4 Days post op Burning sensation Started by: faith23

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  • faith23 2

    Hi girls wonder if anyone had a burning sensation in the side of their boob ? Im 4 days post op & stopped taking paracetomol yesterday but ive got a really bad burning sensation right down the side of my right boob… is this normal ?? xx


    Me 2 hun! Think it’s just the nerves repairing themselves! It was so sharp last night I had to stop and stand still half way up the stairs! Xx

    Em 3

    I had that it passed in a couple of days I had it on my left side it’s also the side that’s healed well fast , I like to think of it as a good pain. Started to feel some itching on my incision area at the same time . Loosened the bottom of my bra to help . It might be an idear to take some more paracetamol for a couple of day too. They will start to swell soon Hun , paracetamol will stop them from feeling as bad .keep us posted 🙂 . Xx

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