Want surgery, but lacking confidence to start the process Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi people,

    I have always wanted surgery to give me more shape, which just upsets me full stop. Since having my 2 babies my chest has been left with zero shape, and I literally have no cup size, at most I would be able to wear a 34AAA if I wore padding in my bra. I actually usually wear larger sizes full of padding to give me a more feminine shape, I can’t handle people seeing my wash-board chest.

    I’ve started saving for surgery but I’m feeling nervous about talking about it with a surgeon and taking the steps towards doing it.

    I have had a consultation with one surgeon before (not from MYA) who said that because I have so little chest tissue that you’d see the implant through my skin and I’d never get the best results.

    Are there any smaller busted women out there (A cup or less) who’ve had surgery and got good results from it? And which doctor did you see at MYA?

    Thank you.


    Also any advice on the nervous thing would be good.


    hey hun bless you . . . nerves are normal and i hardly heard what what said in my consultations cos of nerves my boyfriend came with me (which i suggest) so i didnt miss anything 🙂

    if i were you id get a consultation with MYA 🙂 its free they are lovely and you could have a chat about finance 🙂 and pay monthly or summit
    and then you see the surgeon its all free so you could see what the surgeon says 🙂 im small chested and so im having ‘unders’ under the muscle so they are not seen 🙂 and the naturelle ones you can have either natural or fake looking boobies 🙂 the surgoen will so know what would suit you with what tissue you already have and chest size whether he would use a teardrop or round implant 🙂
    Im a 34a cup small boobies but wanting a full c im due for my op on friday 22nd! EEEKKK!!!
    add me and check out my pis ive put up they are from the day i tried the sizers and this is the one i have picked 🙂
    dont worry hun nerves are normal ive hardly slept and keep switching between excitement and nerves lol xxxxxxx


    Thank you Leanne for being in touch! I think I’ve just felt so ashamed of myself for years that it really upsets me when I think about it. I don’t even go near lingerie departments right now, I just burst into hysterical tears when I see other women looking at pretty lace things. Luckily my husband is really supportive and is helping me save up… I t’s not easy accepting someone telling you you’re beautiful when you don’t feel it though.

    I think I want a C cup in the end too, something bigger but still modest. I went up to a 36DD when I had my daughter and they felt too big.

    Good luck with your op! I will absolutely add you! 🙂 x


    thanks hun 🙂
    bless u . . . i understand how you feel ive had a life of medication and constant weight loss and gain so have hated mine too for a long while i see this as a treat ask the husband if he’s willing to pay monthly to hurry the process for you 🙂 i had a chat with boyfriend , next day he had got a loan for this, then within days i had conultation, 2 weeks after saw surgeon, 2 weeks after picked the size and here iam . . so didnt take me long cos im too much of a thinker just do eh lol
    i bet you are very beautiful but i understand the importance of feeling it too 🙂
    what are your stats hun . . height weight, boob size and what your hoping for?? xxxxxxxxx


    Yeah he’s putting money in too, it’s really good of him 🙂

    I am 5 ft 8″ and about a dress size 8/10, like a large 8 but a small 10.
    Size is non existent but the smallest I’d be is a 34AAA
    I’m aiming for maybe a C or D, I don’t want to go too big, but I want noticable curves 🙂



    Hey my lovely, I started off a 32aa not much breast tissue at all. I had 275cc round implants over the muscle, had them four years. They were okay but at time looked like two balls stuck to my chest. So had anatomical overs 440c last week. Love them! Much better shape. My surgeon was george spyrou at spire healthcare. He is so good, I had him both times and to be fare to him he did recc anatomicals the first time round!! You will pay slightly more but you do get what you pay for. Aftercare is fantastic too,second to none. Hope this helps x


    Thank you Lucy!

    I think I would go for Anatomicals too, I don’t htink I’m too keen on rounds and I’d worry that because I’m so flat that they’d look like an upside down bum with a bra on! LOL!



    Also you see the surgeon of your choice from the start, unlike some places where you see a pt co ordinator. x


    Go and see mr mounir. I have always been an a cup and they went to a D when had 1st child. I thought I would need under muscle but he said I had p,entry of breast tissue due to having 2 kids. I was desperate to be natural and still small by at least average. I’m 1 week post op and couldn’t be happier bad for nerves, I was terrible and they were all great. Remember they do thus everyday.


    Hey Deborah, I had 265 cc overs (round) from a 32AA, if that. I was very flat chested. To be honest I do wish I had gone bigger but feel free to add me if you want doll x


    Hi Deborah, im really similar to you. Im a very small 34a and have lost all volume and shape since having kids and breastfeeding. I was worried about taking the the first step towards getting implants. I had my initial consultation today and was pleasantly surprised. My patient coordinator was lovely and put me at ease. Hope that helps reassure you hun.
    I have a consultation with Mr Traynor next week. I want to go to a C cup and look natural.
    I’ve just joined this forum, would it be okay to add anyone who has had Mr Traynor do their BA?


    Hiya! I was exactly the same as you, so scared to start the process. After 4 years of lots and lots of research i actually got the confidence to ring up and book a consultation and now im booked in for surgery on the 9th April 🙂 eeeeeekkk! Im a very small 32A and orginally I got offered 415cc as i wanted a C/D cup, but choose 450cc after trying them on. Thinking i wouldnt have enough tissue i was even offered overs! Honestly Deborah after alot of research and a chat with a patient coordinator you will be more eager to go for it as the girls are brillant! 🙂 Dont be affraid to book for the first consultation, its not bad at all.. Hope this helps, good luck! 🙂 xx


    Thank you ladies! Your positive experiences have made me feel pretty good about the idea.

    I’m not sure my mother gets the whole surgery thing and I suppose that’s what’s holding me back, she thinks I should be happy with what I have (or don’t have), and that the money could be spent on other things, but this has bothered me since highschool and I’m 25 now, so about 10yrs. And I think I look at women and wish I was like them, and I see my husband’s flat chest and it looks almost just like mine… It’s not great to feel like that really.

    Plus when you hear about people getting boob jobs it’s usually made out (by the media) that the girl has done it to please her partner or to get attention – it seems to be quite controversial, but to me it’s about feeling happy. I really just want to be able to buy nice underwear and clothes, and to look as feminine as I feel. My husband supports my choice and loves me for who I am. I have to remind myself that is the most important thing.

    How did your families and friends respond to you getting surgery? Have you told people about it?

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