Admission-what to expect? Started by: alana wilde

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    Hiya, I have got my admission time as 11am on Wednesday at The Highgate hospital. I was just wondering what to expect…the nurse said it will be approx 1.5 hours before I go for the procedure…how long do you have to stay before you can be discharged? I’m staying at a hotel about 15 mins away from the hospital with my mum so I dont have a long journey to take…I’m so excited now, just want to get there! x

    Nicki 1

    Hey Hun my admission time at Preston was 10.30am n went down to theatre at 12.15pm – the time goes so fast! Everything ran smoothly for me and was able to leave about 5pm-ish. Good luck!! 🙂 xx

    Nips 2

    My admission was 10.30 I didn’t have my op until 4pm, x

    Kim 1

    I had mine last tues at Highgate. You will have to stay for 4 hrs minimum after your surgery depending on how well you recover from anaesthetic.
    (This is how it went for me)
    I arrived at 7am I came alone as I prefer to do things alone lol I filled out a form then was taken to my room at 7.40. I had a room to myself with private bathroom, tv, safe. The nurse gave me my paper knickers, gown and socks she took my blood pressure, temperature and done a pregnancy test and put name tags on each wrist then the anaesthetist came into the room to discuss what was going to happen followed by the surgeon who drew on me and confirmed what I wanted. around 9am the nurse walked me to theatre I was asked some questions and was asked to confirm my signature was mine :s then the anaesthetist put in my drip thing and warned me that I would start fulling asleep the nurse held a oxygen mask over my face as I fell asleep (it took about 3seconds to kick in) I woke up at 10am as I was being wheeled back into my room I was in pain so nurse have me a tasteless liquid painkiller in a tube and a jug of ice water, i drank water and then threw up lol i felt much better after being sick i was offered dinner almost straight away i asked for it to arrive for 12 i had fruit salad, pasta and soup it came quickly i tried to eat but threw up again i was very dizzy, my friend turned up to pick me up around 2pm and was offered coffee tea etc… They looked after her well. the surgeon came around 2pm just before my friend arrived he said some stuff non of which I remember…I was high as a kite lol by 3pm I still wasn’t better and the nurse wasn’t happy that I was drinking water but hadn’t needed to pee yet so she gave me fluids in my drip (don’t worry not everyone responds like this I have reacted like this since I was a child) come 5pm I felt much better so nurse said i can leave but had to wait for the discharge forms she came back with my antibiotics, painkillers and the paperwork for my implants I ended up leaving just after 6pm. By 8pm I was ravenous and ate KFC tut tut word of advice eat healthy or you won’t poop for a week. I didn’t have pain so didn’t need my pain killers I just took paracetamol to take swelling down and used ice packs on my cleavage. Try not to drink alcohol as I found it causes swelling. Good luck tomorrow!


    Lol Kim! True, you might need a little laxative in the house, just n case. I was the same, had to take syrup if figs to get things moving again! X


    Thank you, had my procedure and all seems fine so far, and I’m really happy with how the day went and the result. Left one seems to hurt more than my right though?! I have a feeling some laxatives will be needed, going to stock up on prunes and plumes too, lol. x

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