Put deposit down I’m excited,nervous,scared.how did you overcome your fears? Is this normal to feel scared and have loads of different thoughts in your head? Ahhhhh :/
Babes ovcorse it is ! I’m so nervous it’s unbelievable but excited at the same time. Dunno what I’m going to be like on the day lol I’m such a worrier xxx
Haha you sound just like me ! It took the nurse 25 mins to get blood out of me I was screaming at her and everything lmao!! Mines 29th yours ? xx
Omgoossh really haha I’m dreading when I have to have mine taken! :/ well I’ve put my deposit in my date isn’t official yet has I have to finalize few things with surgeon on 6th, what’s your stats you goin for a big size or just cup size bigger? Xx
Hi Hun Realy don’t worry , it’s gonna be a Realy chilled day . And the pain well I had non, just a little tingling sometimes it feel itchy . They give you morphine before you wake up which makes everyone happy . I’d never had an anistetic before so didn’t no what to exspect , once they put the syringe in I just laughed coz I new I was falling to sleep , it was the best sleep felt like hours . Just remember to take all your pills Evern at night just incase for the first week set your alarm . V pillows are so comfy too. Your gonna have new beautiful boobs soon , it very exciting Hun. Xx
Lol I’m sure your be fineee , ahh okay and I’m size 8 32a empty after kids going for 495 I wanna be a e but I dunno if that will make me one fingers crossed ahh. xxx
Aliyah just try and look forward to the waking up with boobs bit lol, No better feeling i assure you. I did have a lot of pain, but not everyone does…some girls just breeze through it. I have to say i enjoyed the whole thing, as a busy working mum it was nice to go there and be looked after, i stayed overnight so after the op just got to sleep away the day.
Good luck and enjoy ! x
Don’t worry, it’s normal. I was absolutely terrified 2 days before my op, I thought I’d back out! But I was surprisingly calm on the day of my op. Just trust your surgeon, ask as many questions as many times as you like. You’ll be fine 🙂 x
Hey ladies!
@Jasmine goodluck hun! I want to achieve 3 cup sizes bigger been fitted at 28F so wanting to achieve 28GG 😀 sounds big right? Lol but its not just waist size small. are you a day case or night stay? I’ve been having nightmares of the surgery day omg :/ xxlol
@em yepp got all my stuff ready well got the V pillow as most girls say its a life savour lol, and its mostly the injections and the myth about feeling the surgery while your under and what if I wake up on table but can’t say anythingbecause tube in my throat lol I’m awfull when it comes to thinking I over think the worst scenarios!
Hunny there’s gonna be an someone continually watching you while your under monitoring you , they would no before you were awake. Don’t think of those things . You don’t need to no what’s happen during your op . Don’t be tempted to watch vids on line .
The day willbe chilled the staff will be friendly and it’s going to be well worth it .xxx
That’s exactly. What I did and I wish i didn’t I think that’s why I’m having nightmares lol I actually seen my surgeon my surgeon in my y dream like what the fudge lool :/ xx
When I read negative stories on forums and fail results scares me too I’m going to keep away from the net xx
Haha . Just don’t let it take over . Don’t think of bad things there’s loads of girls who are very happy. Your gonna be one of them .xx your gonna be in the best hands . Just keep reminding yourself this is a treat for you,something you’ve wanted for a while .xx
I wasn’t in that much pain I was just high but all the nurses are so caring. I can’t even believe I’ve had one cos it was that easy xxx
@Em aww ta babes, and yes I’ve been thinking about this over a year now, well actually more just didn’t really think is ever be brave enough to do it lol I had major surgery before so I thought to myself this can’t be that bad right? Lol would you class BA as major surgery??
@Kate I want to take least amount of drugs afterwards, I feel sick from any type of tablets. And Kool when dis you have your op? Xx
Excuse my spelling lol my touchscreen does its own thing! Ahhhh!!x
I didn’t take any really after leaving the hospital only antibiotics I didn’t feel like I needed them. I had to sleep with oxygen mask at hospital cos I wasn’t good with the anaesthetic xxx
Bless! Bet you’ve got awesome results, whats your pre op and post op stats hun? Xx
I was a 34b and I don’t know what now cos I’m only just got a month post op but I tried my mum dd on and it fitted xx
Lol that’s cute, hmmm so how long did your surgeon say you will get your final result it takes longer then a month? I’ve been shopping bought some more stuff for post op 🙂 feeling better since I’ve stopped watching those videos online lol well so far I haven’t xx
Instead of opening another topic il just add it on here as its sort of the same..
I have my pre op tomorrow! Yay! But I thought is express that I’m soooo scared about having my bloods taken 🙁 do they take loads? Andis the needle big my last experience I’m pretty sure I almost fainted xx
Not everyone has blood taken Hun, I didn’t! But the needles aren’t big even if they did so nothing to worry too much about! Just don’t watch and keep taking deep breaths! It only last for seconds!:-) xxx
Aww I hope so holly! And I think I am having my blood taken remember the surgeon writing it down on the notes. And I know its time the month so I am extra sensitive and already have fears of needles anything else I’m fine but needles! No way lol xx
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