New! Started by: Kyla Chase

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    Hello Ladies,
    I have got my consultation on Wednesday. Im so excited.
    Already seen posts about negative comments and Im only 18 and had a lot of people telling me not to as Im too young. But they have no idea.

    Please add me and share your stories.

    Thanks x


    hey hun and welcome to the site xxx


    Hi! Everyone can make them selfs look good clothes but only u know how u feel, everyone said to me ‘ oh ur big enough!’ But they didn’t know what I was like with no bra! Lol now I couldn’t b happier!! Go for it, if it is what u really want!! So u know what size u want? Xx


    thanks natstar xx

    Yeah Im very self conscious and wear extremely padded bras. I would like to be an average C cup. How big have you gone? xx

    Jessica 2

    im new too, been wanting a BA for sooo long fed up of padded bras!! being self conscious about your body can really get you down so don’t worry about anyone you know your ready so thats all that matters! xx


    hey Jessica, Yeah I know what you mean. I cannot wait just need plenty of advice now! Where are you in the process at the minute? x

    Jessica 2

    i have my first consultation next saturday, had to wait for the weekend as have a little girl, hate waiting feel so nervous but excited at the same time 🙂 im hoping to get a late space. no idea what size or profile or anything so in the same boat. x


    I go on wednesday. Im so excited. So I’ll let you know how it goes. Do you know how big youre wanting them to be? x

    Jessica 2

    yes please do! im thinking a full C/D im short and naturally slim so going to big would look silly on me i think. your wanting the same really to be a C but have a going to get boob greed haha!! x

    Jessica 2

    *have a feeling going to get boob greed


    Yeah exactly, will look big but still natural. Yeah most people get it post op though dont they. I cant wait to set a date!


    Hi girls!! I have been wanting a ba since I was 18! Now turning 26 on Monday, and finally having my op on thurs!!! Have done loads of research..and stressing!!ha! But think I just about have the answers now!! Feel free to add and ask any questions!! Will be posting lots of pics too next week xx


    Hi im only 18 myself I know im only young but i was so self-concious before I had ny boobs done and had been for years. I couldn’t care what other people think I’ve done it to feel good about myself and to feel womanly. i did it for myself not anybody else I couldn’t care less what anyone says ny family and close friends were really supportive when they got their heads around it snd nobody elses opinion matters. just do what’s right for you and don’t let anybody elses opinion influence your decision because its a huge decision xx


    Hi kyla. I have mine done in two weeks. I’m 26 now but I’ve wanted this doing since I was 18. In all honesty now I’ve got my op booked I keep thinking of all the years I’ve been miserable. If it is truly what you want don’t waste time being miserable like I did, go for it! If your worried about your age have a talk to your pc at your next appointment but honestly if you feel right then do it Xx


    Hi Girls, I’m in the same boat apart from I’m 26 this year and have been desperate since being a young teenager to get mine done, everyone has told me I’m fine as I am etc, but I agree, I’m not happy and they don’t have to live with them :/ . Decided to go for it, just need to save up now 🙁 going to take me ages, that’s the worst part, now I’ve decided I still have to wait to be able to afford it. How did your op go Holly ? How did you find the whole process ?? x


    I’m also 18 Kyla and don’t to kits too young at all, if its what makes you happy than do it, I’ve wanted o e since I was about 16 as I’m asymmetrical and just wanted to be happy with my body! Xxx


    Same here. I havent been happy for years. had two kids since n nw my tiny boobs have been stretched and deflated so look even worse nw. Ive finally built up the courage to go for it. Had a consultation and seen the surgeon. So i am defo gunna do it. Just gota save nw which is the hardest part :/


    Hi, I’m also 18 and I know just how you feel. Being an A cup still at the age of 18 is not fun for me 🙁 Been wanting a BA for years but finally plucked up the courage to book a consultation and I’m now just planning on booking my surgery. Thankfully my mom has been really supportive with me 🙂 add me if you want to message xx

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