Bikini pic up and I look horrid ;( Started by: Kim

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  • Kim 1

    Just took a pic of me wearing a bikini top granted it is small but you can really see the difference of the breast size and shape wish I never took it am at my wits end I can’t believe how bad my boobs really are and what bad judgement the dr had it better well get fixed because there is no why in god earth am I going to let this one go feeling very angry right now past disappointment feeling that the dr has tried his best to make me look like a freak. For those of you that are my friend on here can can see my photos please take a look I dont think I’ve every seen such a bad breast enhancement. My dr isn’t going to be able to refuse me free revision surgery surely its too much of a big difference in each breast bigger one is moderate and smaller one is high profile they need to both me moderate or high profile ;(


    Hey can I add u please ? What’s happened and why do u think they are so bad? Surely if your this unhappy they will reop xx


    Hun can I had you to see it? How long ago did you have you op? Maybe they’re aren’t as they should yet… Anyway, try to keep positive, they’ll help you sorting it out for sure xx


    I’m unhappy with mine to huni I’ve just uploaded more pics


    hey @kim could i also add u, its a shame to hear that u both have had a hard time or unhappy experience… its intriguing as i’m use to hearing positive comments hope everything gets sorted xxxx


    My problem is that I had 415cc n my left 385cc n my rite but my rite breast is much bigger than my left I just think hes missed judge me or put the bigger implant in the rite god knows but I can’t wait to go see my surgen x

    Kim 1

    Hi Naomi I have scoliosis of the spine which makes my ribs on the right side pull back my doctor choose two different implants types for me a moderate profile for the left and high profile for they right so my left breast is big round and full and has a bigger diameter and the right breast is small and pointy so I have two completely different boobs they don’t match as a pair at all just feel very let down as I never paid to look worse x


    Aww really you shouldn’t feel so unhappy about something you’ve paid so much for. How long ago did u have it done? I hated mine for ages, one was bigger than the other and one nipple higher than other but now I’m happy with them .. It’s been 9 weeks now! I did her stretch marks though which I’m not happy About 🙁 what has your doc said Hun x x

    Lottie 2

    Ayesha I just had a quick look and honestly mine were like that for ages and slowly they are evening out :).. I started off with one smaller which will never change I had same size each side but they don’t look odd or anything now still lots of change to come like my smaller boob hasn’t fully dropped but SO much better than first 2 months!! They look like they will settle nicely to me mine looked worse and they did 🙂 x

    Lottie 2

    Take a look at my pics they looked awful I was thinking re op! But day by day better n better I don’t expect perfect butI should feel happy for sure everyone says it but I think both your boobs will sort themselves honestly wait it out a bit longer I had a cup size difference on mine and had same size implant .. They look nice now 🙂


    Yeah I was the same , one nipple was total different direction to the other and one a lot smaller, I really hated them! I think when you take photos of them too they never look nice , not like they do in real life xx

    Lottie 2

    Exactly everyone said wait it out and that’s all I could do. 🙂 from day one one nipple pointed down the other up and stayed quite a while but at 4 months they look so much better fuller rounder more even not perfect but not weird or anything 🙂


    Hey lottie can I please add you 🙂 x x


    Awwww thank you lottie il sit in wait till my 3 month post op xxx

    Kim 1

    Hi ladies that’s fine to add xx

    charlie1 -3

    Kim, I just want to send u a big hug x I hope ur ok hunny xxx

    Lottie 2

    Yes sure 🙂 x

    Lottie 2

    One look at my pics will give u instant hope 🙂 I’m just disgusted at customer care mya seem to give to unhappy people for good reasons ..!urgh I just hope it does sort it self !x

    Kim 1

    Thanks for all of your support ladies I’m sorry sorry that all of my post are so unhappy had my younger sister who never knew I was getting done say your back must be getting bad that boob meaning the left is looking bigger then the right I had to then tell my already naturally big boob sister that I had paid to have a boob job and it hasn’t gone very well. Hope from Thursday I can actually get back to being positive on here like I was leading up to my BA. Once again thanks ladies and sorry if I’m putting anyone on a down just have no where else to turn xx

    Lottie 2

    No need to e sorry this is why the forum is here 🙂 I’m always happy to be here if someone wants a moan etc 🙂 hopefully time may change your results but goodluck and hope we here some good news soon:)

    Misfion 3

    Kim we are all here for you. No one should have to go through all this and be unhappy, or mistreated xxx

    anna 1

    Hugs hun, hope u get good news soon to lift your spirits xxx

    Kim 1

    My point has been proven i put up a post today tittled fed up feeling like ive been taken for a ride. and it has been deleted by myamod they did inbox me telling that they where delating it and they would get my pc to call me the whole idea of the post was that my pc doesn’t call not even since I called her having a mini breakdown because of how unhappy I am not to call to see how Im doing. Made my own appointment to see the nurse and got her to book me in with the dr no pc involvement. Apperantly I broke the guideline funny that but people can use the word c@&t and that isn’t breaking guidelines.


    They have took it off again Kim thats not bloody fair if anything they should be putting your mind a ease and helping you to sort your problems out that have coursed hope your ok Kim xxxx

    Kim 1

    Im sure im never wrote anything to bad didnt name anyone just put my feelings on my pc version of aftercare. Just had someone call me wasn’t my pc she seemed nice she said my pc is on leave and was calling to see if I was ok had another break down she said that if things can be improved the dr will talk to me when I see him Thursday nice to finally have a bit of reassurance instead of being left without a clue. i was expecting a better result then I got and I know my expectations aren’t too high as have pictures of other BA patients who have the same back problem as me roll on Thursday it’s couldn’t come soon enough need to get this sorted once and for all hopefully xx

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