do i? dont i? Started by: helen

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  • helen

    help! im a mummy of two and now just left with skin basically, ive always wanted my boobs done but brushed it off my friend has recently had hers done and they r amazing and now its all i think about!! im worried about wohat my family will say though as ive never spoken to them about it, what were the reactions of your family?


    I was just like u Hunni iv two children my eldest I’d nine this time and I had been so unhappy with my boobs as I went from a b cup to a f cup but once I’d stopped Breast feeding I was just left with skin Hunni I only really ever told my husband but then after my little girl nearly four years ago they got worse. I mentioned it too my mum and sister and they said what ever made me happy they were happy for me too do it. So my husband offered too pay for them for my 30th so here I am seven weeks post op and loving my desition.


    I’ve been on about having it don’t for +10 years and when I told them they all said we know its what you’ve always wanted and were proud of you for actually having it done! But then again I’ve always had fantastic family & friends! I hope you get the same reaction? x

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