Full of regret wish I waited ;( Started by: Kim

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  • Kim 1

    I feel so down today worse then previous days since the BA I wish I never got it done when I did wish that I had waited and seen dr Singh as he seems more experienced with scoliosis patients my pc advised my surgeon when I explained my problems and what I wanted. Thursday needs to hurry up and get here so I can get this appointment with the surgeon out of the way these past 3 weeks have been complete misery my confidence is torn to shreds the left breast looks like a cow hudder compared to the other side I love the smaller hp scoliosis side the bigger base mod implant I hate. It doesn’t help the fact that it is round and and has a bigger base size 12.25 the hp diameter is 12.0 so infact the bigger implant placed in the already bigger breast has made that breast look even bigger to the other more then you could tell before . I don’t think that I’m being unreasonable or expecting to much just don’t want one big round boob and one smaller boob with more upper pole. I want the same style implants either side ;(


    Ah chin up Kim xx

    Misfion 3

    Two more sleeps til Thursday chick. Keep yourself busy xxx


    Can you ask if dr Singh can do your re-op? x


    Thinking on you hun, all the best for Thursday! 🙂 xx

    ducky01 4

    Hun I really think you should insist you see another surgeon for another opinion? Xx


    I’ve been reading your posts I hope you get sorted Kim x


    U poor thing,hope everything gets sorted for u.im sure everything will be fine in the end,good luck Thursday xxx

    Kim 1

    Thanks for your support girls i had a call from mya someone called Sam its the first chance I’ve had to really talk after the BA she seem understanding she was saying that I have to take my mind off the boobs wait until Thursday when I see the dr and that they don’t normally carry out further surgery until after 6 months unless the doctor know that certain changes won’t happen they may do it sooner but only if the dr feels that it is needed and can be improved. Feeling slightly sick to think that I have up to a 6 month wait can’t bare the thought of going through summer with these boobs so looks like no holiday this year. So it looks like it may be a very long drawn out waiting game. I’ve booked myself into see my Gp as I feel so depressed hopefully she can offer some kind of support as I’m finding it all ready hard at the minute mentally and it’s draining I can’t help but think of the boobs. Xx


    Massive hugs hunny! You will get sorted soon, I promise! He will see his choices weren’t the best for you. When he agrees a re-op, you don’t have to use him again, you can choose Singh 🙂 but your surgeon needs to agree to fixing you first.
    They don’t like doing re-ops sooner, unless it’s medical, because it’s still a fresh surgery, and you can damage the skin permanently xx

    Kim 1

    Hey@ joannabella hope that your good you have your appointment next week don’t you have they sorted out where you are going yet?
    So if dr f agrees a re op can I get dr Singh to carry it out then? 6 months seems such a long time but if I have the agreement from the dr if things don’t improve they will put them right I will be able to cope until its D day again I just need the reassurance that it will be carried out more then anything thing don’t want him trying to fob me off as they clearly aren’t right if I’m gonna be wonky I’m going to be wonky with hp either side xx


    I hope they sort you out soon. There’s nothing worse then being left in this kind of situation xxx

    Kirsty -4

    I’ll be thinking of you on Thursday Kim xx


    Not long to go hunni … Fingers and toes crossed for you 🙂 Xx


    MYA are paying the train fair 🙂 so I’m going!
    Yea, as long as the original surgeon agrees (unless they aren’t here of course) then you can choose a surgeon again, not sure where I heard this, but I’m sure it’s right 🙂 xx


    @joannabella that’s great news… Glad Mya is paying your fare 🙂 x


    Thanks xx

    Kim 1

    That is great news 🙂 @joannabella finally a break through 🙂 good luck hope all goes well xx

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