7 weeks post op & right still hasn't dropped.. Started by: ducky01

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  • ducky01 4

    Now I’m thinking the worst as I haven’t had my 6 week check yet :/ my left is also a lot softer, anyone else had this? I’m worried about the dreaded cc xx

    miss-vi 1

    I just looked through ur photos and i think results are great! There Are lots of changs you body has to accept… Sohopecully itis just a mattrr of time until they drop. Though they already look fab!xx

    ducky01 4

    Aww thankyou hun 🙂 think I’m just being paranoid as I’ve been accidently hit in my right a couple times & had slight shooting pains, also as there hasn’t been a nurse available to check me over yet, hope they’re alright..how you feeling hun? Xx


    Hi ducky, I’ll be 7 wks on sat and my right hasn’t dropped yet either but my left has so they’re a bit wonky and left is a lot softer because its dropped, think I saw someone say if your right handed your left will drop first and other way round xx

    ducky01 4

    This forum is the bees! I feel a lot better now so thankyou lovely ladies, can’t wait to see the nurse now..how you doing georgia? Xx


    All good!! My left had only dropped recently too, they’re stubborn! Went up a cup size after left one dropped so hoping same thing happens when the right does lol still got just over a week before my 6 week check up! You happy with your results so far? Xxx

    ducky01 4

    They are aren’t they, my lefty dropped ages ago that’s why I think I’m thinking too much into it, how’d you find recovery? I just realised I’m 8 weeks tomorrow :/ gosh!! I am indeed lovely just want this right one to hurry the foof up 🙂 how about yourself, all happy? Xx


    I’m 3 months po and my right is just dropping, my left dropped ages before sure yours will catch up just think we all have a lazy one xx

    miss-vi 1

    Could it be because we use right hand more? Maybe letting it rest and use mainly left hand for doing things woul do the trick?
    I am actually feeling well! Tight but no major pains. Used ice on the top of boobs:) i feel like i had them all mt life but they were just hiding somewhere:))) xx

    Kirsty -4

    Hey lovely, my left is still a littlw higher than my right and I’m 10 weeks op on Friday. Don’t know if its cos the left was seroma boob, or cos I’m left handed and I hear the opposite side drops first. Or if it’s just a lazy boobie lol! Xx

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