When will I feel better Started by: Nicola

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  • Nicola

    Two days post op and in a lot of pain! When will This start to go?


    are you taking everything to keep ontop of it babe every 4 hours? silly questiopn really im sure u are. ive been so lucky not had any pain but i literallly started my codeine just after recovery room and have taken it religiously since so i dont let the pain kick in, im only 4days post op and been moving since 2days po. id maybe up your pain relief to 2at a time ever 4 hours or if ur already on 2 lower it to 3hours hasnt done me any harm xxxxx

    sillymilly 2

    Hi chick the worst is probably days 2-4 that you are in most discomfort 🙁 but your almost there and just keep thinking of the gorgeous new boobs you have XX


    I’m taking what they gave me 2 every 4 hours. Just can’t wait for this to be over and start enjoying them!


    It won’t be long babe keep on top of it I’m sure it will subside soon xxx

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