Can anyone help? How did you go about telling people about wanting a BA? Started by: weeze

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  • sara

    yes i agree with that last comment louisa…i havent told alot of people, a few close friends and family, but not all family! haha my partenrs family dont know yet…never mind. Suprise!!! hahaha ;~) x x


    I’m planning on telling my mum and closest friends this week, so hopefully it’ll all go well and they won’t be too negative, which will probably make me second guess myself! But, i’m all booked up, seeing surgeon on monday and having my ba on 2nd Oct, so hopefully, i won’t chicken out!

    Weeze x


    Sonia, I have noticed exactly the same. The people who criticise you having it done are the same people who would love it done themselves x


    It is my in-laws I am scared to tell!Luckily they have only seen me with big boobs-since I lost weight and finished breastfeeding they have seen me a few times but I also wore very padded bras!I hope they don’t notice ‘cos it is my hubbys money that they saved for him that we will be using.Yes, I do feel guilty-but I am the mother of his daughter and have put off my career again to stay at home to raise her ‘our way’ and I kinda justify it a little as I would have prob been able to afford it myself should I not have had our daughter!My dad will also go nuts!I have mentioned it at toddler groups and although a few have raised eyebrows and mumbled behind my back a few people have admitted they would love surgery of some sort or had surgery of some sort!


    I think it’s lovely for the girls who have lots of support. In my case, I do already have boobs but after breastfeeding they just aren’t what they were and people assume I already have good boobs, this is only cos I make the best of them in clothing, but it’s for this reason that I think I can get away with not telling people cos they may not notice that much of a difference.
    Good luck to those girls that are telling someone though, just remember why you’re doing it and how your new boobs are gonna make you feel xxx


    I’ve got no choice but to tell a few people from my work, thing is i work with all blokes!!! :( and that side of things i’m actually not looking forward to! lol

    apart from them and a few close friends and family…the others will have a suprise! haha xx


    I have told a few people in work and my boyfriend knows. Think its hard to keep things like this to yourself cause people will wonder why you have been off work but i agree that at the end of the day it’s upto you what you want to do with your body and it’s no one elses business. I’ve had really bad responses from my friends saying that there is nothing wrong with me and they can’t understand why i want it done. it’s ok for them they already have big boobs!

    AmyLou x


    Hey girls,

    I have only told a few people in work. my boyfriend knows as well as a few 2 friends! I definitely would never tell my parents and family, they would go absolutely mental. Because like you Rio, they would question where I got the money from, why I want to do it, and they would just not accept it! So when I go round my parents to visit them, I’ve been wearing baggier tops and stuffing more fillets done my bra, so that they won’t notice as much. I feel that it is none of their business why I am doing it and how I can afford it!




    Thanks :) still not sure who to tell but I suppose I might even be surprised by some reactions. Or they’ll be surprised when they see me again! :)

    Weeze x


    Hi, I’m booked in for my first consultation tomorrow, am very nervous! Just wondering how anyone else brought up the idea with friends and relatives?


    Weeze x


    my mum came with me to all my appointments and everyone i no no’s!. as far as im concerened its my body my decision and i dont care what people think. this is something ti have wanted for years and now i can have it! most people who give u negative feedback are probably just jealous !


    HI gemma i’m going in same day as you, what a birthday pressy for u then! haha xx


    i am having my BA on the 7th oct, which just happens to be my 30th birthday so i had to tell a few people as they were wanting to go out and celebrate. i have to say that i have had to explain and justify myself to everyone, with hardly any support offered. If you want to go through this experience happy and with no guilt, my advice is to tell no-one. when its done its done, and then they can say as like.


    God it’s funny isn’t it that we’re grown women and still worried about what our parents think lol. I know my mum doesn’t have a problem with cosmetic surgery but I think she’d still say I’m fine as I am but she’d not be happy about me spending that much.
    Good thread though hun, and nice to know we’re not alone!


    I am in the same situation as you! Only told my boyfriend and best mate at the mo. Wanna tell my mum but i know she’s gonna go mad but she’ll blatently notice and i will feel bad if i go though with it and her not to find out until afterwards. What did other people do?


    Hi, thanks for replying, I feel the same. My boyfriend is being very supportive (and paying!) but I don’t know how to tell my friends and family!!

    Weeze x


    Hi Weeze, I haven’t told anyone other than my hubby and 2 friends from work. I know people in my family will say I’m mad and question how i can afford it. It’s not that I want to hide my new boobs away or that I’m ashamed of getting a ba but I don’t want to have to justify it to anyone.
    Having said that it’d be so much easier if I could tell them, I hate having secrets.

    Rio x

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