MYA’s Vaser has given me ‘Grace Kelly’ arms!

Initial Consultation

Last week I decided to have Vaser Liposuction. I have been thinking about it for some time and last week I was thinking about what to do for my birthday weekend, I thought, let’s do it! I haven’t yet told my family and they have been asking me why I am not coming home to celebrate my birthday with them. It’s now booked in and I am 100% sure about this decision. I am so excited for my operation in a few days. Trying to focus on work but I have butterflies in my stomach. Even having some naughty sweet treats with the reassurance of knowing that the fat will soon be out and my body will be sculpted to perfection.

Pre Op

I had to do my pre op with the nurse today to prepare for my Vaser surgery. I am not having general anaesthetic, it will be under Sedation with Local Anaesthetic so I will be awake and apparently not feel anything (will let you know later if this is true or not). The nurse said I have to take off my nail varnish which I wasn’t thrilled about but I wouldn’t let this be a deal-breaker, of course. I have already seen the surgeon Dr Hamlet, he advised the garments I will need to wear for 1 month (!!) after the operation. The nurse advised that the garment is thin so will fit neatly under my clothes! It is so tight but will make all the difference. I will post some photos of this later. I have sworn to myself that I will make this work without resorting to live in track-suits for more than 1 week (no way!!) I hope I will be able to wear my usual clothes and high heels asap but we will see. The nurse took some photos and when I looked at them I felt 150% sure I was doing the right decision. Grace Kelly arms here we come!

I saw ‘To Catch a Thief’ by Alfred Hitchcock with Grace Kelly many years ago and all I could focus on was her long slender arms (there is a scene in the movie where she is wearing a white evening dress, dripping with diamonds around her neck, so beautiful, yet, all I saw was her immaculate arms) and it was that moment I put her arms on my imaginary wish list, not thinking too much about it, until I saw results from other patients that had Vaser Liposuction and that was it.. I so wanted this! Wish me luck Darlings!

Day of the Op

Sorry this is a poor update as I have been running around trying to finish all the pieces for today, D-day. Last night I was scrubbing, washing and removing all things artificial from my body (hmm well maybe not everything), like nail varnish, fake-tan, waxing etc. I was also trying to work out ways how to make my wardrobe work around the garments I am going to wear. This will depend on the extent of swelling I will have but I will attach some visual shots for you, I had fun doing this as I do like a challenge, not too sure how I feel about it I will let you know in the next few days. I had a close resemblance to a Russian Matryoshka doll. You will soon know why… I have to rush now as I dont want them waiting for me.

Post Op

Today I am licking my wounds. Yesterday I had Vaser Liposuction with Dr Grant Hamlet and the procedure was a success. The operation wasn’t particularly painful, well not until I got home later PM, the ache started kicking in, my pain killers helped lots though! Now I have my Grace Kelly arms but they are wrapped in my spanx suit and we added the chin so I am also clad in a balaclava. These photos are from yesterday. Eventful day!

4 Days Post Op

I am feeling really happy. Not in too much pain today, day 4 after Vaser, just a bit of general soreness really. Why am I happy? I went to see Dr Grant Hamlet for my post op check and he said I am healing REALLY well and may even be able to exercise by the end of the week if the bruises gone down. Wiiieee… This is music to my ears, I NEED to move around, not sit at home and rest on my laurels!

6 Days Post Op

Just peeled myself of my second skin, Macom spanx, looked in the mirror, OMG!! Its amazing and only 6 days since my op. I will share my smile with you, results soon. I am already planning my new wardrobe around my racer (vaser) body and can’t wait to go all Grace Kelly on you!! Day 1; Spanx. Day 2; Spanx. Day 3; Spanx…

8 Days Post Op

Last night was the first time I went out after the op (not first time I left my house, haha, there is a difference). It was not planned, like most of the best nights aren’t planned. My outfit wasn’t anything special so won’t post photo, was wearing my garment under my camel turtle neck and jeans. Took some photos to update on my arms…My right arm has some bruising but the left hardly anything.

2 Weeks Post Op

Hardly any bruising left now. Dr Grant Hamlet said there is still a lot of swelling so my Grace Kelly arms will get even smaller. Day-dreaming & Planning outfits (!!!) but still a bit patchy bruising and swelling so not ready to show arms off properly just yet. Can’t wait. My dream would be something shoulder-less by Dior with those small little silk cloth buttons down the side. Mmmmm. Yeah, one can dream Photo is 2 weeks post Vaser.

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