still waiting to hwar about revsion surgery although I havent got high hopes! why dont tgey put me out of my misery! youd think theyd do it pretty quick instead of leaving me hanging on….20 working days is up tomorrow. ..anyone else in same boat? the waiting is so dwpressing!!!:-(
its really bad!!! why have policys and procedures if there not worth the paper their written on!!! its really making me anxious now 🙁 everyday im left like this its umbearable..especialy as ive already been told the results are unsatisfactory! sorry to rant…im going out of my mind lol x
I think am needing revision surgery too, did you just say you wanted it to your surgeon or do they have to say you need it before you can get it done, did they say u’ll have to pay for it? x
Know where your coming from emsy I would give them until tues next week and chase them up. I plan on doing their heads in once I’m healed enough to get sorted when I see dr f in June I’m going to ask him to start the process of applying to head office just want to get on with my life and enjoy my boobs am grateful that its still cold really as I can hide under jumpers. I know your past the 20days now even give them a call today just keep on at them as you say the sergeon isn’t happy with the result seems like you need to push. I actually feel sorry for the sergeons really as its there name on the line but it has nothing to do with them its the big boss in head office who gets the final say. Hope that you get it sorted soon xx
I’m sorry Myamod but I don’t see anything negative in my comment by saying do head in I mean wait my time if it takes longer then the 20days start pushing abit I haven’t bad mouth anyone or being rude. X
hi kathryn…my surgeon said I needed it and mya refused….then my hubby put in a complaint with pics of my unsatisfactoey tummy now were waiting….one of the higher up people emailed saying our complaint is in motion..but the four weeks is up….its not fair to leave people waiting like this….would they wait if it was them????I think not!!!!!