Thank you 🙂 … Really didn’t think I’d panic at all about it this early on ! I’ll go and dig out some sensible clothes and then go to bed and stop thinking lol ! I’m glad you reminded me about suitable clothes, I would have easily have worn a ridiculously difficult outfit / hundreds of warm layers without thinking about it, stupidly worrying about what bra to wear. I’m sat in my flat on my own as my housemate is out and fiance is away, read my info pack again and then had a panic ! Roughly how long was your consultation, not that I’m wishing the time away already 😉 ! I’ve heard he is very good and a friend has just had a BA with him, said he was quiet but it’s because he thinks very thoroughly about it all … Thank you for your message back, I know I’m being silly and should just enjoy the whole process ! x