Op in 6 days! Started by: Capricorn86

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    Having my op in 6 days! Excited but so nervous!x

    Vicky -2

    So exciting!! I had my op yesterday, you will be absolutely fine, just try to relax and enjoy! 🙂


    Aw congratulations hun! How are you feeling? I’m nervous about going under, Iv never had anesthetic before!x

    Misfion 3

    It’s brilliant, I loved going to sleep. The first two things made me feel light headed, tasted funny like a chemical in my mouth and made me want to cough but she said that was normal. Because I didn’t fall asleep I thought I was an anti sleep ninja ha ha. I even told them – guys, Im not asleep yet!! They found this amusing as it was the mixer and anti sickness thing I think. Then she quickly popped the other one in as I was waffling on about some nonsense like ‘how do I know when to wake up again?’ They were obviously fed up of my chat ha ha. Next thing I was awake and talking nonsense to the nurse 🙂 Brilliant stuff!! 🙂 Enjoy xxx


    Me too! Tuesday 9th – Are you going to Highgate Hospital? x


    Haha, it doesnt sound as scary now.. Hah, I’m sure il be fine, it’s just the thought of the unknown!
    @LC I’m at Preston first trust.. Are you excited? Let me know how you get on!x


    I’m so excited! Counting down the days! Yes I will do. What are you going from & to? Xx


    I’m a 36A going to have 325cc hopefully large C. What are you having?x


    I’m 34A going to a 415cc so should be a DD I think. Let me know how you get on 🙂 x


    Im having my surgery on Tuesday aswell, cannot wait!!!! 😀 Good luck! 🙂 xx

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