I got my strapping taken off this evening, 9 days PO.
Very happy so far 🙂 The left breast has dropped a little more than the right one at the moment but was told by the nurse that its perfectly normal at this stage 🙂
WOW! You look fab! Once theyve properly soften and dropped you’ll look amazing. Congrats hun and welcome to boobie land!! 😉
They look so good i bet your over the moon with them 🙂 and love the bakini xx
Thanks girls! I’m really happy 🙂
When I had the strapping on I thought I hadn’t gone big enough but now that its off and I can see them properly I love them! xx
They look fab!!!! I can’t wait for my strapping off on Tuesday now! Xxx
Im soo jealous! ! Im only 3 days post op and I want to pull it all off. Glad your happy with them and the size xx
Thanks Zoe W 🙂
Zoe, I know its so annoying isn’t it! Feels great to have it taken off xx
Hi, am I ok to add you? would love to see your pics! glad you’re happy with your new additions!xx
Hi hun im having 385’s (Hopefully) if he can fit them in! Slightly smaller than you but can i add you and have a look at your pics please? As our stats pre op are almost identical 🙂 xx
Hi Nina,
Yepppp no problem, I’ve added you 🙂
Ah how exciting! Bet you can’t wait?
415cc was the biggest I was allowed so sounds like we’re fairly similar. If you have any questions let me know xx
Thanks babe! OMG your looking absolutely amazing! They are such a good shape and size! Congrats 🙂 bet your so so so chuffed 🙂 xxx
wow they look fantastic! Bet you are so happy with them. Thanks for sharing xx
Thanks Beth. I am 🙂 Can’t quite believe they’re mine yet haha xx
Glad your happy with them 🙂 it was all worth it!!! xx
They look absolutely brilliant hunni, that swimsuit/booby combo is fab. I have boob envy ha ha 🙂 xxx
Hi.im new to the forum.would you mind if i
Added you.im having mine on 14th may and cant stop wondering how they will look :/ what size were you before if you dont mind me asking? X
Hiya, wud u mind if I add u? Did u have unders or overs hum xx
Hiya girls, yeah that’s fine 🙂
Katie, I was a 32A and had 415s, haven’t been measured yet as its too early but hoping to be a D!
What size are you and what size implants are you having?
Kelly, I had to have unders cos I had very little breast tissue xx
Misfion, thank you 🙂 yours are looking great too! How’s your recovery going? Xx
Hey.. Iv friend requested you.. Hope you dont mind.. Iv got my surgery on 28th may and am sooo scared and cant decide on size/cc… Im 9st 5.6ish hight.. N a small 32 a at mo.. Im having helena and have heard she may be strict with size etc. And that she uses drains which im afraid of!!.xx
Would It be ok for me to add? Had my ba and uplift on Tuesday, the strapping is annoying the life outta me already lol! I had 410cc.
Hi Girls, yepp it’s fine to add me, thank you for asking 🙂
Carrie, I had drains as well but I was so zoned out from the anaesthetic I didn’t pay any attention to them and they didn’t hurt while they were in there. The only bit that felt a bit weird was when the nurse removed the drains, but it is over in seconds!
Zoe, I know! The strapping is soooo annoying, but it is amazing when you do get to see your new boobies!! 🙂 xx
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