Anyone 3 wks post op? How you feeling? Started by: Janine

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  • Janine

    Hey girls

    Just wondering if anybody is around the 3 week mark? I was 3 weeks post op on Tuesday and my boobs are still really sore and quite hard. Just wondering if this is normal? They just ache constantly which is making me irritable 🙁 . I had overs so thought the recovery time was quicker. My scars according to the nurse are healing ok however they have scabs on them and they feel quite tight. I’m probably being impatient but I just want to feel normal again 🙁 xx


    Hi hun!Its funny cos I was about to write similar thing..Im in 3 weeks post op and I feel.exactly the same!so sensitive left nipple is even untouchable!sometimes i feel a pressure sometimes I feel like already part of me..and anothers little pains.I thinkis a normal healing.Just compare how u were feelung last week.and u realise you have a lot improvements :)Im.gunna add u if u want!xx


    upss we are already friends !xx


    Hi ladies im 4 weeks post op yesterday its normal what ur experiencing mine was the same again this week completely different to what i was like last week i had overs no pain at all until swelling went and then started to get twinges more so in my right still got numbness in the right nipple it will take a while to go back to normal xx


    Hi girls thanks for your messages 🙂 Nice to know its normal then, I’ve actually woke up this morning and had no pain or tightness which is really unusual! Finally! I suppose each day is going to be different. Are you having normal showers now? I have been doing then just blotting the incisions dry or using the cold setting on the hair dryer if there painful to touch. Laura, I know what you mean about nipples! God there soooo sore! I wonder if its because there constantly in a sports bra maybe?? Have your boobs dropped or changed shape much? Mine are less hard but I don’t think they’ve dropped, not sure how to tell?! Thank you both for the reassurance xxx

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