post op girls… rippling when bending down? Started by: Nips

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  • Nips 2

    So… im over 4 months post op now and i noticed the other day, dont know if anyone else has, if you bend over with no bra and feel around the underneath of your breasts it feels like ripples and loads of lines??
    I can feel it when sitting or standing normally just wondered if this was normal???


    sillymilly 2

    Hiya nips yes i have exactly the same i can even feel the flat side of the implant amongst loads of lumps and lines ! thank god tho it’s not visible otherwise i think it would look terrible. Mr T said yes all perfectly normal and not to worry about it xxx

    Nips 2

    Thanks babes xxx phew.
    just had a look at your photos, i havent looked for a while they look amazing still xx

    sillymilly 2

    Hey gorgeous girl thats fab thank you xx Just had a nosey at your and ditto yous look booblicious hun bet you love yours xx

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