why do you have to…. Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Why do they make u wear paper pants. Do you wear knickers under the paper ones and what if its that time of month?

    Cherry91 -1

    I got told no to keeping my knickers on under them, actually though it was a hat, didn’t relies that where knickers at 1st haha, you dont have them on for long tho dw :)xxx

    Hannah 1

    If you wear cotton knickers you can keep them on xxz

    Mel -4

    @Cherry91 haha that made me laugh!!! A hat lol…. I thought the paper knickers were quite comftabe!!! Not sure about if its the time of the month though x

    Cherry91 -1

    Haha 🙂 xx


    I wore cotton knickers and tried to persuade the nurse to let me wear them instead of the paper ones and she wasn’t having any of it, started saying its not a fashion show to me, but seen others say they have kept their own cotton knickers on. She said even if it was time of the month they supply you with something to wear, not sure what though.
    I though exactly the same Cherry haha, I was having rhino so thought it was a hair net! x x


    Without going into too much detail I was coming to the end of the time of the month! I told her and she bought me in some hot pant type white knickers with some pads as she said I wasn’t allowed to wear a tampon! xx

    leigh taylor -4

    My paper pants were 10 sizes too big and see through lol!!!! X

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