Done, woohoo Started by: Ashleigh

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    In the hospital now staying for the night and don’t feel in any pain at all very weird but hopefully it doesn’t change much. Had mr schiavone, 325 cc overs natrelle and love them!!! Will upload before and after pics soon, thanks to all the girls that have replied to my topics and let me look at their pictures, made the whole experience so much better! Had a few little hiccups but nothing mya didn’t sort out for me soo pleased xx


    Oh and I had nipple lift to tighten the skin can’t forget that bit !!x


    Congrats! I’m getting 325cc over’s a week on wednesday, do you mind if I add you? x


    Thankyou 🙂 No not at all I will probably put pictures on tomorrow unless I work out how to do it through my phone xx

    Nina 1

    Congrats hunni ! So glad everything went well for you 🙂 xxx


    Thankyou 🙂 bet u can’t wait and I don’t blame u I’m sure you will love them! And it’s great here too xxx

    Nina 1

    Wahooo! This is great news! Only a couple of days left for me to wait! Dead happy for you. What time was your admission time and surgery?xxx


    Admission was quarter to 8 and surgery was supposed to be 9.30ish and went down about 10 so not much waiting about. 🙂 mr schiavone has defiantly listened to what I wanted and made sure I got it so u are in good hands, wat size r u having again?xxx

    Nina 1

    Thats perfect! How come your staying overnight babe? Ah thats so reasurring thankyou! im having 385’s, thats the biggest he’s offered so hope he can fit them in me 🙂 Hows the pain/ drains/ sickness? xxx


    Just because of the nipple lift he said I should stay overnight and I’m sure he will try his best so hopefully u get them ones 🙂 honestly I feel fine they are a little bit uncomfortable but hardly any pain or sickness and the drains are just a bit annoying but they are not bothering me too much just feel very tired. He hasn’t used any strapping either which is so good cause some girls say that can be really uncomfortable so we r lucky xxx


    congrats hun happy recovery xx


    Thankyou Amy, would I be right in saying you too?xx

    ducky01 4

    Wooo congratulations chick, welcome to the boobie club!! Glad to her you’re feeling alright 🙂 hope you have a happy speedy recovery xx


    Thankyou couldn’t think of a club I’d rather be in lol 😀 xx

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