Cast is off! Started by: pebblea616

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    Had my cast off today after 14 days. Feels very strange and numb and like its not mine. Looks odd with the swelling but I can see its going to look really good when its settled. I’ve put a few pictures up as well with the cast off 🙂 Thank you to everyone who has supported me on here as well, its made such a difference to my experience x x


    Hi Hun glad it all went well and your happy with the results. I’ve got mine on the 29th I’m so excited. Have you still got bruising? And did you manage to go out with a cast on! I hate staying in! Xx


    Hia! I’ve just added you hope you don’t mind. Ahh not long to wait it will fly by for you! Yes still bruised, at first the swelling and bruising started to go quickly then just stopped and still have brusing on the tops of my eyelids, underneath my eyes is yellow and a big yellow bruise by my mouth. Just putting concealer on to try cover it as much as possible. I went for two walks around the block in the dark haha, felt like I was undercover or something!
    Once you have it done you will probably feel a bit run down so you might not feel the urge to go out as much, I felt worn out quickly if I tried to do anything x x


    You having open or closed? x x


    Hiya! Oh that’s not too bad I guess.. As long as your recovering ok. I probably won’t end up going out lol. I’m having open septo.. Quite nervous about how it will turn out but really excited as well. What did you have? Xxx


    I had open rhino with a graft. Yeh it is exciting just think about the lovely little nose you will have at the end of it and its all worth it x x x

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