I'm new, PIP removal & reaug Started by: Ellie

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  • Ellie

    Hi everyone, I’ve just joined.

    I had a breast aug with another company (begins with H) about 6 years ago and have PIPs. I read a lot about them and just want the whole thing sorted so I don’t have to go through it again. Hello lifetime implants.
    I had a meeting with a lovely PC yesterday and I’m sure I want to go with MYA.

    Buuut…I need a scan. And guess what? Said company (H) say they do not have the resources and I need to speak to their dedicated PIP team who are only there on a Tuesday : ( I rang again asking for a price of a removal/reaug to see if I could get through to someone that way; but nothing. All I got when I asked for an approx price was ‘sorry, I really wouldn’t have a clue’

    I was treated great by them at the time and had no problems at all. Now, however, they don’t seem as keen.

    I was ever so slightly tuberous A cup and had 245 round unders. I only want to go to about 300-330 just to fill out what tissue they will take away and make them slightly larger. Doncaster is the closest to me and I was recommended Mr Kazzazi.
    Would you guys recommend him? Is it at the private bit of the hospital, I’ve no idea?! I’m worried about being a day case as my blood pressure was monitored throughout the night last time and I live far away from anywhere!

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