Sore nipple :( Started by: Hx

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  • Hx

    Hey girls, I’m 3 days po and have a cracked nipple!! Not sure if its the streching causing it to split or possibly chafing caused by the macom bra, anyone had this or can suggest what I can use to soothe it? I had problems breast feeding my children where they cracked and bled, this seems quite similar. Any help would be greatly appreciated xxx

    Hannah 1

    I just bathed mine in bio oil! I’m 4 weeks PO now and they’re still sore! 🙁 but not as bad x


    Thanks Hannah, had been using Bio Oil prior to surgery but not since. Will get back on it. Gutted there’s a chance this could go on for weeks 🙁 I just want big perfect boobies 😉 x

    Hannah 1

    I think it’s the compression from the constant wearing of the sports bras!!! lol So hopefully it can’t last longer than six weeks. I had sensitive nipples in the first place though! Was half hoping to lose just a bit of sensation from surgery! haha xxx

    tracey 2

    alovea gell helps cool and sooth it also builds a tiny baria however im sorry to say the pain is one that ur have to put up with for a little while ….. i had it two weeks solid then one day it was just gone

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