The 6 week check?! Started by: Cascada

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  • Cascada 1

    Hey girls! Does anyone know whether the 6 week check is 6 weeks after your BA or 6 weeks after you 1week post op!? I’m 3 weeks post op and when I had my 1 week with the nurse I just realised the “6 week check up” is actually booked 8 weeks after my actuall BA was. Had no problems on my 1 week, scars looked good, got told I could shower, sleep on side etc, so just wondered if she had mis calculated the date?! Wouldn’t normally mind but I’m due to go on holiday 3 days after the 6 ( actually 8) week check! So doesn’t leave me any time if there’s any problems to get my self sorted ( shopping lol). Know some girls get told after the 6 week check to still not swim, wear normal bras for another 2 weeks, so il be gutted if I get told that before I go on holiday?! Xx


    Is your 6 week check with the nurse or your surgeon? Im due to see the nurse again in 2 weeks, which will make me only 5 weeks post op! I go away in july aswell so im pretty confused as to when il get the ‘ok’ to buy bras and swim etc.. Im pretty sure when i had my 1 week post op my nurse said you dont usually see the surgeon for 3 months! If thats true, i wont be seeing him till august time! So confusing haha, i just really hope il be ‘ok’ for my holiday, will be gutted if i cant swim xx

    Cascada 1

    Hmm yeh that’s really confusing! I’m seeing the surgeon on my 6 week check, yeh that’s what I’m worried about going away and not being able to swim etc…if I have to go away wearing my sports bras on holiday il be soo sad lol!might just give mya a ring and ask cuz seems like everyone gets told slightly different things! Confusing! Xx

    Misfion 3

    Mine is today which is 8 weeks post op and 7 weeks post nurse appt. I think it is as close to the six week post op as they can fit you in/you can manage. It was supposed to be last week but I couldn’t make it so its today yay!! x

    Cascada 1

    Oh Kk I see. Yeh I just rang mya and I’ve got mine a week earlier so it will be 7 week post op, just gives me a bit more time before the holiday! She said its between 6-10 weeks they book you in! Hope yours goes well misfion 🙂 xx

    Misfion 3

    Thanks, stopping by M&S on the way in to treat the girls ha ha x

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