My BA story!!!! its all over- your need a chair xx Started by: lhoward00331

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  • emma

    Hi Jaqui,
    Thats good news!!
    Yes wait..I got measured at Debenhams one lady said a 30G then at another branch I got measured and they said a 32F. The thing I’ve found is I have to buy a bigger bra to fit round the circumfernce of the implant but then there is slight peaking at the nipple. Having major bra malfunctions at the moment!!!! I went to M&S as i wanted a clear strap bra …the bra I wanted only went up to a DD and could I get that on..NO CHANCE!!! Its funny as i love my new 700cc’s but my my my…I’m having trouble with bras. I’ve even resorted to wearing the fuddy duddy sports bras again as they seem to fit perfectly!!! Arrrrrghh…Any suggestions???


    hi lucy how are you feeling today, im having mine done 20th september, the thing im actually deading is sleeping sat up, i sleep on my stomach, gosh do not know how im going yo get comfy…. oh n the sports bra. lol.. hope your feeling more like yourself soon..x


    congratulations lucyloo!!! :) xxx


    Hi everyone,
    Thank you for all your kind replies. After my op i felt fine, a bit croggy from the anesthetic, and just wanted to sleep. But i wasnt in any pain.
    Yesterday i was in a bit more pain, but only in my right side. I thought i was doing great and could get in and out of bed by myself for the loo. But since coming home i realised i was only able to do that because the hospital bed sat up by itself! lol. Today is technically day 3, and its my worst day. My partner has had to go back to work this morning and ive got a 2 year old and a 13 month old! impossible. It took me 20mins to get out of bed! lol dont laugh, i was trying to tell my 2 year old to push me up by my head, ha ha. I then had to get my 13month old out of the cot and down the stairs. Im in quite alot of pain today and simple things, ie opening the dishwasher seem a chore, just that chug. And my son wanted a dvd on and i couldnt push the scart lead in, ha ha. Its just my right side, feels like my stiches are to tight, and its killing me. Had to take my sports bra off to sleep as it was rubbing on my stiches.
    I had 460cc overs high profile. I love them. They are rock hard at the min and feel like they have just been stuck on. They hurt so much last night i threatened to chop them off!!!!
    I was hoping to be a dd/e, i went to m&s yesterday on my way home and was measurred at a 30f, but they are very swollen. x x x x


    wow, after reading this storie lucyloo im even more excited bout mine now, 14th oct im booked for highgate with mr adamo. what did u have and what were u before. i was 32 a going 410s over ? what do u feel like, do u like them are u excited?? to see them?
    wow how exciting !


    Aww Lucy, thanks for sharing your story, you made it sound so nice. Really glad you had a good experience. What implants did you have again (I know I’ve prob asked you this before)
    Get lots of rest and speak soon xxx


    Hiya Jacqui & Jaks,
    Do you think you’ll have bigger in a few years?? After my 1st BA I thought they were huge ..after 10 years what was big became normal hence bigger boobs!!! Never ending!!!



    heehee Emma – you make me laugh :) wow what a size hun!!!

    Strange, but i’m getting quite attached to my sports bra :) it’s sooooooo comfy



    Congrats to you to Jaks :)

    Don’t we just love our new boobies xx


    Hi Girls!!!

    Well ive done it, cant believe it here it goes, i’ll try and include as much detail to help you out as poss. My BA was yesterday Wednesday 2nd sept. I went to bed Tuesday night, nice and early which was pointless as i tossed and turned all night. I got up at 6am and got my kiddies ready for my moms.
    Left the house at 9.30am, and i arrived at Highgate at 12.30pm. My admission time wasnt untill 1pm, but i was quite eager. Highgate looks like a large house, thats on a normal housing estate, thats quite bizarre. I went in, and confirmed all my details and signed a few forms.
    I was told that my room was ready and that taken straight to it. I was downstairs in room 205, as i stayed over night ( day cases are upstairs) my room was nice, had flat screen sky tv, a shower, a safe…
    By 1pm the nurse came in and went through a few questions, took my blood pressure, temp, height and weight, and he measurred my carves for my sexy stockings!!! At 1.15pm the anethetist ( sorry i cant spell that) he is a lovely lovely man. He tols me what he was going to do and what not. The nurse came back at 1.30pm with my stockings and oh yes paper pants! beautiful. He told me to get changed into my gown and said that Mr Adamo will be in shortly.
    I got in my gear on, and by 1.45pm Mr Adamo appeared at my door.
    He took some pics, and marked me up, which felt quite random having a bloke draw on your boobies infront of your hubby! I asked him how many there was infront of me. He said he had already done 7, and there was 1 more in front of me and that someone would be in for me in half an hour.
    Bang on 2.15pm, a nurse came for me and i put my slippers on and walked up the corridor to the theatre.
    I got on the bed, and the anethatist, took to work on findinga vein. He was so lovely trying to talk lots of cr@p to distract me. I rememeberhim saying it was 2.30pm and telling me i was on some beach in the the seyshells and then i was gone ( it wasnt painful, and a lovely feeling)
    Next thing i know i woke up, completely forgot for a sec where or what i was doing! lol. Then i remembered, i looked at the clock and it was 3.45pm, and i was in the recovery room. I asked how long i had been in recovery 10 mins.
    I was wheeled back to my room, and a nurse came and did my blood pressure. I had the major shakes from the anestetic. She bought me some tea and toast, and i ate the lot. Half an hour later she brought me my 3 course meal, which was veg soup, cajun chicken and cheesecake. Lovely, neverfelt sick and had no problem eating, although it took me over an hour.
    My hubby went to check into his hotel ( the Raglan) while i had my dinner, and he went to get himself some tea.
    He come back and we watched tv, and then i booted him out at 9 as i was knackered!!!
    I got myself all comfy on my side and was asleep by half past. By 10pm the nurse came strolling in, all lights on to do my blood pressure and give my pain killers. I alsoi got a proper rollikin for sleeping on my side. Finally went back off and she was back in again by 12pm. This continued throughout the night so, so much for resting!!!!!!! At 5am she woke me up again and i gave in and sat up. I wasnt in much pain, and i was shocked how well i felt. I had my breaky ( a full fry up) and my hubby come back for me. He helped my shower my bottom half, and got me dressed. The nurse came in at 8.30 with my letter and Mr adamo come for a poke at 9. I fetched my drugs, and checked out!!!!
    I popped into m & s on the way home and got myself measurred. They measurred me at a 30F!!!!

    Cant believe it.
    Well think ive rambled enough, any questions be sure to ask me anything

    Lucy x x x x


    :bigsmile:Well done Lucyloo, remember to take things easy and enjoy your new boobs. Im 3 weeks post op now, and back to normal, cant wait to go bra shopping and get measured properly.

    Well done Jacqui too


    Hi Emma

    Yes i’m really chuffed with them, they look sooooo natural :) and getting softer by the day.

    Went looking at bras in M&S the other day, and so tempted but resisted the urge. Can’t wait to get properly measured.



    Hiya Jaqui,
    36dd’s ….hey I bet your sooo pleased!!! How you getting on with the new boobies????

    Bet you can’t wait for bra shopping!!!

    Congratulations to Lucyloo on your new boobies keep us posted..take it easy xx



    Congratulations :) on your new boobies!!!

    I was at Highgate 2 weeks ago, and Mr Adamo did my op too :) He is just fab, i love my 36DDs

    Get loads of rest, drink lots of water as it will help to flush the ga out of your system, and happy healing hun :)



    Awww thats wonderful!!! So pleased Lucyloo!!!!!

    As sara asked, how are you feeling?? Do you like the look of your new boobs??? Are they bigger than you thought?? How easy/hard is it to do things?? So excited!! So lovely to hear your story!

    x x x


    Oh what a lovely story ;) I bet your really pleased hun! How are you feelin in yourself now? Are you pleased with everything? Aww too many questions! lol Hope you recover really well x x x


    I’m also having an overnight at highgate, I shan’t be impressed if they wake me up every hour! Sounds like you’ve had a great experience :) Thanks for sharing! x

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