Male opinion Started by: Jennifer

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    Just wondered, has anyone had negative/positive feedback from a new partner about having a B/A. A ‘friend’ told me men hate fake breasts and how they feel? Bit worried as I am single but would like to meet a partner.


    Hun unless you go obviously huge most men cant really tell the difference mine look and feel natural its only because my scar you can tell they fake x


    My BF can’t wait he def thinks implants look better I am sure it would not bother most men hun!x

    Laura -1

    I wouldn’t even listen to that Hun – the amount of men out there, there’s PLENTY who did big ‘fake’, tits! Go for it babe xx


    Thanks guys, is bad enough dating without worrying about your fake boobs! Plus they are a zillion times better than my pre op saggy ones!! xx

    Hannah 1

    Men who don’t like fake boobies are basing it on the bad boob jobs from the 90’s! lol your fake boobies will just be bigger versions of your natural ones. Most men like big boobs, small boobs, saggy boobs, perky boobs. In my experience of men they love all types of bodies so don’t worry! If he likes you he’ll like your boobies 🙂 xxx

    leigh taylor -4

    Fake boobs are better than saggy boobies that disappear under your armpits when you lie on your back! X

    Mel -4

    Fake boobs all the way weehheyyy!!!!! (To be honest i doubt anyone on here will say otherwise as we’ve all got fake boobs lol)

    Lottie 2

    Alot of men I know are going mad for mine but yesterday one of my males friends said they were too big for my frame :/

    ayshababy 5

    before my boob job my ex said everything like that he could to try talk me out of having it done! about how they feel, how they look. but after he LOVEDD them. personally i think its an insecurity thing, they dont want other men looking! obviously there will be some men who dont like em but f*ck them its our bodies! i personally cant see any straight man complaining!!!x


    I am the same as Jennifer,
    I want to get my boobs done
    but when I ask male friends what they think
    they say they wouldn’t touch a girl who had implants
    because even if they look good they still feel fake :(.
    I really want them done but I find it hard
    enough to get a man as it is without them
    then saying its cuz I have fake tits! 🙁
    I am a 36A looking to a full C maybe small D
    so hopefully wouldn’t look fake
    but then you see the likes of Victoria Beckham
    and hers look awful and really worried mine
    would look like that 🙁
    Help! Xx

    ayshababy 5

    i really cant see any bloke not dating a girl coz she has fake boobs! think how many people have them now days! boys love them i think, aslong as they dont look silly or are rock hard! and if a man wont date a girl coz of how her boobs feel hes not worth her time! x


    Haha true that Aysha
    I know its silly but just cant help
    worrying! haha


    I disagree with u, men love boobs, doesnt matter real or fake. My husband was against me having them done but now he cant take his hands off them!!! I get so much attention,honestly its the best thing i ever done!


    life is too short, go ahead get your boobies make yourself feel good, i refuse to live for a man i live for myself and anyone who falls in love with me will have to fall in love with all my flaws and my big fake boobs lol xx


    you are what u are and no one should judge you for if u have fake boobs or not when you meet someone they will love u for you and as timr goes on and through changes your body changes i.e babies getting older and they will learn to live with it else not they aint worth it bbe listen to your head and dont let your heart rule it x x gd luck x


    I am sure that by the time you show a new man your boobies he will already like you enough to not care whether they are real or not!!xx 😉

    Charlie 4

    ‘Fake boobs are better than saggy boobies that disappear under your armpits when you lie on your back! X’ – @leigh taylor – hahaha brilliant! So true!

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