second thoughts? Started by: sam

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  • sam

    Did any of you girls once booked in and all payments cleared start having really bad second thoughts?…nerves?….wonder if your making a bad choice? or if you must be shallow?….I’m feeling really guilty and worried about peoples perception of me after this :/ dunno whats going on cos Ive wanted this for 7yrs! been all ive thought about and cryed over for so long??? cant shake off this feeling of “well she has small boobs that arent perfect and she’s happy? maybe I should grin and bare it” 🙁 xx


    everyone does its only normal its cus ur a gd person after ur feep fine and wont regret it x gd luck


    thankyou 🙂 dont know how to make myself feel positive about it again :/ xx


    write all the bad things about u dnt like about em the all the gd things after and ur soon feel great how ur feel new clothes ect everyone loves round pert boobs lol x


    lol just dont want to draw attention to myself and have people asking questions and making judgements, that scares the life out of me so worried they’ll be too fake looking xx

    Laura -1

    Yea Nerves that’s all plus your thinking of all the what if’s and but’s etc Its normal but you will be pleased once its done hun 😀 xxx


    if u aint asked for fake they wont trust who eva ur having they no what they r doin x

    Kelly -1

    I’ve had the same worries too. If you have been unhappy for a long time then do it for you. If you are not sure about the size just go back and discuss it again just to ease your mind. I think when you are a mum you find it hard doing something that is just for you and feel bad about it. Well don’t, being a mum is hard and even harder when you are unhappy about something. You’ll be happy and more confident and that will make you a happier mum.

    Misfion 3

    I thought the same but then thought if I did cancel because I was scared – of what people thought, if it would go wrong, if they were too big, is there anything really wrong with mine now – then how would I feel after I had cancelled, on the day my op was supposed to be, when I was trying to fill my bra so my dress looked better, when I hid my boobs in front of a man or when I saw them in the mirror every day. And I decided that I would definitely feel awful having cancelled. But I was also so sure about my reasons for getting them done, that I realised a few judging comments would be nothing compared to feeling down about my boobs for the rest of my life.
    You have to ask yourself how you would feel if you didn’t go through with it after wanting it for 7 years and getting this far. I’m not a ‘boob pusher’ lol, but if you aren’t sure then maybe postpone until you are or until you have spoke with the surgeon more… 🙂 xxxx

    Misfion 3

    Ata’ girl 🙂 I bet once you have them you will want to show them off to the world. I’m now like – can someone please look at how fab my boobies are. and to my friends – have a feel, feel how squidgy they are ha ha. Its so funny because I never showcased my top half on a night out, only legs. Now I’m like – anybody noticed my new boobs!!??!! No-one has though lol as they look so real xxxx

    Mel -4

    Babe under clothes they are not going to look massivly different if you wore padded bra’s before? Seriously after you’ve had it done you will be sooo happy & proud of yourself that you went through with it & did something for yourself!!! I work in a pub & was abit worried about what all the punters & other bar maids would say but now ive got them i dont care 🙂 i know any bitchy comments are just jealousy & you wouldnt believe the different it makes to your confidence 🙂 you’ll be getting them out all the time haha!!! Good luck sweetie xxx


    I am exactly the same- I put done my deposit and then I started doubting it! I thought there’s people worse off than me, am I being vain or selfish? But now I’m just thinking its going to make me more happy and confident, so why shouldn’t I get it? Why should I choose to be unhappy and self conscious? I’ve saved hard for it, so I deserve it 😀 xx

    Chloe 1

    Im so worried about what people will say! Not my close friends but people who I went to school with all the bitchy girls and bullys of my year who still have nothing better to do than write nasty facebook status and call names! Iv never had a problem with them but any excuse to be nasty and they will! Just wish i was a stronger person and could tell them all to f’ off if they say anything!!


    Girls thats exactly like me but hearing you say that I just want to tell you that you do deserve it and you are right to do what makes you feel happy and shouldnt care about what others think…maybe I should listen to the advise I give others then I wouldnt be in this situation its just so different when the person that needs the encouragement is yourself xxx I was sexually assaulted in 2009 and have been a very insecure timid person thats avoided people and i’m feeling like I dont know how to be anything but that? and should I really change this? esspecially by enhancing my body which is the thing ive been most concious of exposing for the last god knows how many yrs almost…I just worry that people will think why would someone thats been like that for yrs suddenly draw attention to herself?…but attention is the opposite to what I want I just want to look in the mirror or get in the shower and sit in summer clothes and not be hateful of how I look xx

    Chloe 1

    Oh hunni u have been thorough a terrible time and its horrible what happened to you! Don’t let it ruin your life! You are a very special strong person to have not given up and are still fighting even if you don’t realise it you are! If it makes you happy to change then change! And if getting this op will help start you on a better road where u see yourself as beautiful as everyone else sees you then don’t ever feel bad about it!!! X


    If anyone thinks that then they are the shallow ones! You should do someone to make u happy an like ur body again an if it is going to have a positive effect on ur confidence then why would you not get it done? You can’t think like that Sam. As Chloe said, don’t let that ruin ur life or drive ur decisions about anything! Time to bring ur confidence back up an live your life a happy person. Just because a girl chooses to have breast surgery doesn’t automatically mean she wants male attention, it’s something most girls choose for themselves. Don’t feel guilty one bit, I know I did get a guilty feeling as I’ve not exactly got much money and I am a mum but as the girls have said, I’m a much happier mum now 🙂 its definately money well spent! Xxx


    Thanks girls I feel much better after reading this..its really helped me 🙂 ..just need friday to hurry up now so I dont have so much time to think about it xxx


    U sound like a very special person that has been on one hell of an emotional rollercoaster and yet has still come out the other side + now it’s time for a bit of u time. U have wanted it done for so long, u want to feel more feminine + like what u see when u look in the mirror, so u hold yr head up high + u go for it girl + u know what bugger what everyone else says, the most important people will be around u…………………………………..I have got my ba on weds + nerves are really starting to kick in now. I have felt all the same emotions as u, am I being selfish doing it for me when I could get my kids this, this + this, what if something goes wrong, what if they don’t look how I want them to. I had a ba booked 2 years ago, but I cancelled it thru nerves etc, but my hubby tells me I am not cancelling this one as I am so close now + have wanted it done for so long x x

    Cherry91 -1

    Honestly it’s one if the best things iv done, I feel so much happier in myself, feel more confident, and love my new boobs, only had them 7 weeks and they feel like they been there forever and I can hide them when I want to, no one yet has relised 🙂 good luck with your op, everyone deserves to feel happy in there own body 🙂 xxx

    Cherry91 -1

    I understand about the attention thing, my dad did a cry for help wich went wrong and ended up hanging himself 4 years ago, I got very depressed after that and stayed in, everytime I went out would get panicked attacks, still do sometimes when I go out on my own, lost all my friends and haven’t really got a social life anymore, the worse thing possible for me is a guy coming up chatting to me, I hate bringing attention to myself especially wen I’m alone, but don’t worry breast implants won’t do that, mine haven’t 🙂 xxx


    oh god thats really sad i’m so sorry to hear that, but really happy that you’ve found something to feel happy about and to help you move on in a more positive way for the future hun xxxx


    Hiya hunni, you sound like a very brave person to have had to go through what you have babe, ignore what anyone thinks of you, only you walk in your shoes, until others have they cannot Judge you. You are not doing it for anybody else, you are doing it for yourself and your own self confidence. And after what you have been through you are bound to be self conscious Hun, but if people were low enough to say you are drawing attention to yourself after knowing what you have been through then they are the shallow ones. There is nothing shallow with wanting to change something that makes you physically and mentally unhappy. I was always unhappy with my breasts, the only time I liked them was when I was breastfeeding but as you know they don’t stay once you stop..dammit lol. I had my op yesterday and like you I thought what will people think etc but then thought, why the hell am I worrying about what others think, it’s my life, my insecurities and I deserve this and to be happy..go for it babe if it will make you happy..I’m over the moon that I went ahead with mine (I have been putting it off since 2006) if you ever want someone to chat to babes, inbox me xxxx


    I guarantee once you get it done you will feel so much happier about it and you will wonder why you were worrying, that’s whats keeping me going, just think of the end result! Who cares what other people think? They’ll be just jealous because you’re must braver, happier and will have a better body than them! You can’t put a price on confidence and happiness, so don’t worry, just think so many other girls have had it done, and they’ve all worried too, you can do it, and you deserve to be happy 😀


    thankyou gilrs that means alot 🙂 can’t wait, hope it all works out to be positive and my worries subside xx and congrats to all of you that have your new boobs and feel amazing for it!! xx



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