Aching Started by: JennaLouiseX

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    I know I’m 1 week post op today but over the last few days my right boob has had, well what’s best to describe it is, a dull throbbing/aching pain in it. Is this completely normal cause the left one is fine? xx

    Misfion 3

    Your boobs will do all sorts of crazy things over the next few months. As long as its not unusually painful it probably just part of the process. I had aches, shooting pains, swishing, gurgling and all sorts 🙂 Im almost 13 weeks post op and am getting shooting pains on the underside of my boob again which I think is just the nerves as my boobs are beginning to have a bit more feeling there now. Just keep an eye on it and hopefully it will stop soon chick xxx


    Oh that’s good then! My left one I can hold and it feels fine the other just feels like it’s still stuck on lol. They do look the same but different feelings lol. Thank you!! xxx

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