Warm Boobs! Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 1

    Hi ladies, I’m hoping I’m panicking for no reason, I had my op on Friday and notice my boobs get warm to touch, it’s not all the time just every now and then. Is that usual? X

    trish 1

    iya emma i hopeing its normal im 6days po an mine are the same im seeing the nurse tomorrow so will ask xxx


    hi emma,

    i had this too- I think its if your boobs are numb you dont realise its your own body heat or something. I got my mum round on monday to check whether she thought my stomach or boobs were warmer- she said my stomach was but i was convinced my boobs were!

    If they are really warm and red then you could have an infection but you’re probably fine if they’re just a bit warm sometimes


    Emma 1

    Thanks ladies. My friend said its probably where they are swollen etc. I can’t see them as have them strapped up so that’s probably making them warmer! Trish, I’m seeing my nurse on Friday but would be grateful if you could let me know what the nurse says when you see her! Thanks again x

    trish 1

    will do hun xxhow u feeling x

    Emma 1

    I’m not too bad thanks, a bit sore but nothing horrible.. Been into work this morning, couldn’t wait to leave at lunchtime! There’s me thinking i will be ok to do a full day! I’m always on the go so sitting around is not me!! How are you feeling? Xx

    trish 1

    gud inmyself , boobies sore and the worst bac ache trying to keep moveing to try and ease the pain but its worth it xx

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