Strapping Started by: ElleKnowlesx

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    Hi girls,
    I have my strapping removed tomorrow! What should I expect? xx

    Laura -1

    If your strapped how I was strapped (Fully covered) then expect a pinching feeling Hun But then FANTASTIC jubliees! xx


    Yep strapped up like a mummy! I can’t wait to see the reults! Its do hard trying to peek down the strappings! xx

    Laura -1

    Yea it drove me barmy! Yea I remember just trying to pull it a little to try and peek then I ended up with it being bloody dog eared and it got grubby lol…..Not a good look aye :P……xx


    I had to get my mum to cut some away from under my arms as the stapping had lost its sticky! I also have patches of the sticky on my back where it has rolled up! Found bay oil is great for getting it off tho! x

    Laura -1

    Oh yea baby oil I never thought of using that lol …The relief you will have when it comes off is immense Lol What size did you have? xx


    5’6” size 8’10.And at the moment feel like I have put on my own weight again! xx

    Laura -1

    Yea Aww bless ya! I’m convinced my weight gain was more my implants doing, well that’s my story anyway 😉 😛 Haha… xx


    Mine is my mum just kept feeding me! Talk bout feeding time-she thought I had to have proper cooked meals morning, lunchtime and night! Bless her tho she loaded the fridge with smoothies, fruit etc xx Takes some getting used to having boobs tho. even walking feels strange with them in front of me!xx

    Laura -1

    Yea It is very strange at first, but then soon its as if they were always there! :D….Haha is she aww bless her! well that’s really nice she’s looking after you properly 😀 xx


    I’m gonna look like humpty dumpty if she carries on. Love her to bits tho. She has taken week off work to look after me- so lucky she is amazing and been so supportive. Even my dads been great. How were poeple around you? My best mate has been very ‘offish’ with me which is a little upsetting. My other mates have been great tho x

    Laura -1

    Aww Nooooo you won’t! Lol Yea it’s nice to get parent support 🙂 …..Yea they were fine, Mom treated me as if I were porcelain, my fella looked after me but the novelty soon wore off for him once he realised I was actually more capable then he though, tut. lol Yea I hate to say it but that’s jealousy for ya I’m afraid babe…. xx

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