When can you lay on your front (implants) Started by: Jemma

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  • Jemma

    I’m 4 weeks post op this Friday coming and I naturally keep rolling to lay on my from when I’m going to sleep but stop myself in case it affects the implants. When will I be able to roll over and lean on them?

    Laura -1

    I was sleeping on my side and gradually leaning on them at 4 weeks but now at 9 weeks I fully lean on them lol šŸ™‚ I think its at whatever feels comftablest for you hun xx


    I’m worried that it may feel comfortable but ill still damage them. I wish I knew technical and biological signs to look out for to see when I can do what x

    Laura -1

    Lol bless ya……I mean yea at first it feels a little uncomfortable but that would be your ‘sign’ to maybe ease off them a little and that’s only cause it hurts, I promise you, you aren’t gonna break them. I posted a video on here for a girl who was worried about going on roller-coasters and the video was of a BMW rolling over an implant. It had no damage, and it never popped so If it can withstand that it can withstand you lying on it lol šŸ˜‰ xx


    Oh wow a car rolling over it and nothing happened! That’s pretty amazing, I feel a little more reassured now lol x

    Laura -1

    Yea the saline one popped lmao thank god we all don’t have saline! šŸ˜› xx


    If I had saline and you told me that I would be freaking out big time right now lol x

    Laura -1

    Babe if you had saline…..I wouldn’t be telling you that period lol šŸ˜‰ xx


    I layed on my front around 3 months po and it was fine..i woke up before this on my front bt that was when it felt comfortable xx

    Kim 1

    @jemma I’m doing good just trying to get a second opinion on the best route to take have 15 surgeons all saying different things at the min. Hoping that I can arrange to see another surgeon at mya to get there input. Dr f wants to make the left smaller but I don’t want that at all if anything the right can go bigger should be having the revision in September hoping that this time they are right having one big moderate profile and a smaller 345 high profile just isn’t a good look don’t look to bad in a bra but still uneven I have some pics up if you want to look will warn u tho my boobs are bad to start with.
    Lol about the boobs touching feels strange don’t it xx


    Wow 15 surgeons! That must be confusing as hell. I would defo want the smaller one made bigger, who wouldn’t. The pics really show the difference in the progress the smaller boob makes! They definitely don’t look bad now they’ve settled more, did any of the other surgeons say to make the smaller boob bigger? x

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