Drinking one week po?? Started by: Charlotte B

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    Hi girls. Had my strapping off today, will put some pics up later 🙂 the nurse said not to drink until I’m four weeks po though as it thins your blood…it’s my birthday on Monday so was hoping to have a few glasses with my meal….has anyone else drank one week po?? Xx


    4 weeks?! I’m meant to be out for a couple of Vinos 12 days PO?! Eeek! X

    Jessica 7

    I drank one week po.. ive had no problems. i wasnt told not to drink.. just waited till i had finished my meds. Youll be fine.. have a good bday! xx


    Me too- day after I’d finished the antibiotics! No one told me not to x


    Yeh I thought I’d be able to drink once I’d finished my antibiotics but the nurse said different today! Ok that’s great, I shall be having some spritzers to celebrate! Can’t handle much more since I haven’t drank for so long haha thanks girls 🙂 xx

    Thea 1

    So happy to hear this.. last day of antibiotics.. bring on the alcohol tomorrow!!! 🙂 yaaay

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