Getting so fed up now Started by: Rinx ♥

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  • Rinx ♥ 4

    Came off all my medication as it made me really ill felt better yday but now it’s all come back again, light headed, can’t sleep can’t focus on things properly with out feeling sick ! The sleeping part is getting to me every time I close my eyes I feel sick and like I can’t breathe! Arghhh I’m 6 days post op surely I Should be feeling fine by now


    Hey bbe can I add u… I’m 1 day PO. I’d try contacting your nurse and see what she says, could it be the last bit of meds left in ur system that’s causing it? X

    Rinx ♥ 4

    Hey that’s fine, yeah I took my last pain killers on Saturday and then I took one antibiotic yday which made me feel sick straight away soy doctor said stop them! I am 80% better than wHat I was on Monday but I’m such a big worrier I keep thinking body is rejecting the implants lol thankfully I got my 1 weeks post op app tmro xx

    myamoderator 138

    Hi Rinaule,
    Would you like us to get the nurse to give you a call?
    Love MYA Mod x


    Lol it’s normal to worry, I have been! Turns out I was right to, I had a blood clot in my left boob so had to have another op this morning to remove it. Urs look amazing! I’ll be chuffed if mine look like that x

    Rinx ♥ 4

    Thanks mya but I don’t think youl be able to as I went with another company. ? And omg hope your ok ? How do you even know of you have a blood clot. Xx


    My left boob swelled up literally double the size of my right one (I uploaded a pic) and surgeon suspected I had a burst blood vessel. He removed the clot and they look pretty much even now and I’m in practically no pain x

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