16days PO… Wana go gym???? Started by: Marianne

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    Hey girls my boobs are still tender and my left one I think has some trapped air in it cos it feels funny but I really wana do a spin class! No lifting or anything!! Just feeling like I’m getting fat and lazy!!! What do u think


    I started Monday Hun.. Been going on the running machine.. Fast walking!
    I couldn’t take doing nothing anymore.. lol xxx

    Emma 1

    Hi Marianne. I was the same, after 2 weeks I started back at the gym but only walking on the running machine, using the cross-trainer but not holding the handles, bike and step machine. I must admit the first week I took it really easy. It was just nice to be back in the gym! Come the third week I started doing some lunges and squats but still taking it easy x


    Ok… Do u reckon I’d be up for a 45minute spin class or not?


    OMG I typed that and it seemed really rude! Hahaha I mean like should I just do some walking or maybe attempt the spin class?

    Emma 1

    Ha ha personally, I wouldn’t do a spin class yet but it depends on the class. The spin classes I go to have a lot of upper body exercises and are quite extreme (the harder the better!). At least for this week I would take it easy and just see what you are actually capable of doing/feel comfortable with. You don’t want to end up overdoing it and causing a problem then you won’t be able to go to the gym for even longer! x


    They told me at my pre op yest no gym for ages 🙁 I would just hit the treadmill and the cross trainer for a walk instead of spinning chick xx


    Yeh same I do like 4spin classes a week and 3 pumps… He told me 4weeks 🙁


    I’m due to have op in October and this is my nightmare not being able to go to the gym. I’ve Been advised walking and possibly bike, I do pump too and other classes , going to go out of my mind. I presume this is a silly question but after a couple of weeks I presume I won’t be able to go swimming either .

    C <3

    Hi Nikki, you will have to wait 6weeks until you can swim. No exercise has got to be the worst part of this for me too! I feel fat and Yuchi already! X

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