Hi, ive not really needed my painkillers but took some this morning as I was stiff getting out of bed.. I felt rotten after, could of chucked my gutts up! My pain isnt too bad so im only taking my antibiotics xxx
I was bad on day 3 or 4. Spent the day puking on and off and in bed. I think it was probably a build up of all the pain killers and antibiotics. I would defo carry on taking the antibiotics as they’re for infection but just take the pain killers if you really need them xx
I was really ill for a week but came off pain killers say after surgery and antibiotics 4 days I didn’t even take them properly I thought I was dying haha x
I came off the painkillers day 3 because I was really ill and took paracetamol instead Hun felt so much better, and it helps a little with the pain. I’ve carried on taking the antibiotics just encase of infection but felt so much better since I’ve stopped taking the painkillers x
Them painkillers are awful … I’m not in pain tbh my boobs feel great ! My stomache on the other hand is bloated n full of trapped air absolutely solid as a rock its soo uncomfy , stopped takin them yesterday feelin better for it aswell . X x