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    Sat here in my bed feeling absolutely fabulous!!! Just a bit stingy where the incisions are but other than that I’m great. The staff are all lovely and helped me to feel so relaxed!!! I went down 11:45 and was back at 12:45 and had the best tea and toast of my life that I’ve asked for more!!
    I’ve ended up having 375cc and 285cc tsx overs as I had very odd boobies!!! One C cup and one B cup and they already look amazing I couldn’t be happier!!!!
    Mr mounir is my boobie god! I will post a pic or too later. It’s so odd I don’t even feel like I’ve had surgery! So happy.
    Any girls considering whether to have it done. Go for it. I’m so happy already just 2 hours post op!
    Keep u all updated ladies!!

    P.S I GOT BOOBIES!!!!!! Xxxx

    xjessx 5

    woo! go you! happy healing hunny xxxxx


    Aww congratulations Hannah I can still taste that tea and toast it is simply the best ever lmao hope you have a quick and pain free recovery listen to your body and rest plenty xx


    My daughter is having her boobs done on the1st of October and She can’t wait. Take care x

    Becky 1

    congrats! cant wait to see them i was an odd boobie girl too! lol xx


    Congrats Hun! X


    Congrats hunny! Your like me! I thought i was getting 445 & 420 but ended up with 445 & 375! Was shocked at the size difference at first but love them now! Happy healing 🙂 xx


    Thank you girls! I’m back home and in bed now 🙂 added a shot from the top of the macom but it doesn’t really do them much justice.
    So comfy now I’m back home. Deffo can’t complain as of yet 🙂 xx

    xjessx 5

    awww, happy healing hunny! 🙂 xxx


    Glad it went well Hannah. I had my BA at 9.30 this morning and was first down luckily! Sat in my hospital bed as I’m an over night case. Haven’t had chance to look at the boobies yet but just through my gown they look alot bigger!!! X

    alix 1

    hi everyone, what makes you a day case or over night case? glad your surgery’s went well 🙂 x


    Aww glad it went well Hun hope u have a good nights sleep and everything. The surgery was so good hahaha I loved being put to sleep! Was lovely! Happy healing babe and keep us all up to date x

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