Rhino girls please help :\ Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I’m 2 months post op, and my nose is still big. When I showed my surgeon the nose I wanted he said I couldn’t have it that small, and he could make it smaller, but not that small. Now I’m worried that I’m just stuck with a big nose for life :\ my sister had hers done twice and hers wasn’t as big as mine, plus I’ve been looking through everyone’s pictures and their nose wasn’t big 2 months after :\

    myamoderator 138

    Hi Georgie,

    It can take up to 12 months to see the final results of a rhinoplasty, and at 2 months it is still likely to have some swelling. We are always here to talk though, and if you’d like a call from your PC please feel free to send us a message with your full name and the name of your PC.

    MYA Mod

    Rinx ♥ 4

    it can actually take up to 2 years for all swelling to go but youl see a difference gradually like every month! your really early days so don’t worry! I had a lot of tip work done so my nose swelled up bigger than before was awful! but now its amazing! il be 2 years post op in November and I say its taken 12-14months for swelling to go I still believe I have more as some days it can be extra tiny xxx


    Yeah, it is still swollen but its just so big I hate it, and it’s so frustrating because no one else’s was this big 2 months on :\


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