800cc… Started by: babyboo

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  • babyboo 6

    Hi ladies ive been offered 800cc, i was wondering if anyone has had a similar size and if so any regrets…xx

    Becky 1

    hey i had 745cc partials love the size! but i am 6ft and size 14 so they dont really look big on me add me n have a look xx

    babyboo 6

    thanks alot becky =) im 5ft 7 and a size 10, i was worried they may end up looking like comedy boobs but thats what he suggested. who did you have xx

    babyboo 6

    ive just had a look and they look fab! you must be very pleased with your results. i saw dr singh as he comes to bristol which is closer for me, im an empty dd at the moment so i have a lot of room to work with lol xx

    Becky 1

    Thank you! I’m very happy just want them to fluff feel very tight at the mo. oh i see so the size will obv fill you out its really hard to find people with big sizes on here so hopefully ive been a bit of help! xx

    xjessx 5

    heyy there’s a girl on here with 900cc xx


    Hi girls, can I see some pics of 700/800cc please. I’m having my BA on 9th and still can’t decide on size, keep going back and forth. Despareta to see some pics and what people think, happy with the size? I know they look different on different people, I’m 5’4″, 64kg but think i have broad shoulders as I weight lift a lot and have 40″ hips and want to balance this out with my chest, not sure if 650cc will be enough or 700/800cc.


    Yeah I’ve seen a girl on hear with 900cc she called ayeshababy Becky wot size was you b4 the BA and wot size u now if u don’t mind me asking xx


    Hi hun, I’ll try and upload some pictures soon, I’ve had 800cc. If I’m honest when I first had them done they probably looked a bit like comedy boobs because they were so swollen. I had no gap whatsoever, they just rolled into each other. I’m now nearly 5 weeks PO and they have reduced so much now they have settled, they look almost half the size and I’m a little disheartened as I expected them to be bigger. I’m 5ft4 and quiet broad too and I definitely think I could of gone bigger. I haven’t told anyone that I’ve had a BA and nobody has noticed, they look no bigger than what they did when I wore a push up bra. What size are you now Yara? xx

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