so im 3 days post op now and I have my consultation with the nurse on Tuesday but I have no idea what to expect.
what does she do exactly and what can I expect my breasts to look like? I know she will take of the bandage which will be a massive relief as its so tight and I really want to see my new boobs but im worried incase they are going to be all disproportionate and bruised?
Will they be a funny colour or will they be normal? Im really nervous about seeing my nipples to as I can only feel them and cant tell if they have stretched? starting to worry what they are going to look like.
I also forgot whether I can shower when the bandages come off or do I have to wait longer? so many questions!!
Hope everyone is healing well and feeling a bit better, I didn’t wake up very stiff this morning which was nice, although I did have an extra pillow keeping me up. Its funny how little my body trys to move when it knows that it shouldn’t!
Oh and any suggestions as what to do today as im so bored of tv, I can feel my eyes being sore already and my skin has gone really bad from the GA and just being stuck inside. Also have people put on a lot of weight ?