post BA activities? Started by: Rachael

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  • Rachael

    Hi ladies! I had my BA on Tuesday and I’ve had absolutely no pain or discomfort. I’m not even taking the painkillers as they make me feel sick. However, I’ve been good and stuck to the guidelines about not lifting anything or raising up my arms (just to be on the safe side! ) I’m just curious about why I can’t, or shouldn’t, lift my arms. I’ve tried it slowly and can’t feel any pulling or pressure and I’d love to be able to brush my own hair instead of asking my partner and friends to help. I know I have to wait at least 2 weeks before I can start lifting my son or anything else greater than 20lb. I’m probably just being impatient but I can’t figure out what damage it would do. I had 485 and 520 overs and I’m amazed at the lack of pain and how happy they’ve made me! I know everybody heals differently but any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ladies!


    Hi Rachel,

    I am totally the same as you! I had my BA yesterday and I’m totally surpised at how little pain I am in… I mean, I feel a little tight and have the odd twinge when I reach out infront of me… but nothing like some girls are experiencing. I’m sat down now and I don’t even feel like I’ve had an operation!

    The reason they tell you not to strain yourself is incase you tear your stitches.. if you do that, you could get an infection. Even just tearing them and not getting an infection, will set you back another week for healing meaning more sat around and not doing anything, so it’s just not worth it. You have the rest of your life to do as you please so I would just sit back and make sure you give your body the time it needs to heal properly (even if it feels it doesn’t need it)!



    Thank you! I’ll do my best to do as little as possible. I guess it would probably be easier if I had the pain to remind me not do certain things! It’s crazy how much you use your arms in a day. I have my 1 week check up on Tuesday so I’ll definitely ask everything I can at that. I feel like I’m still waiting for the pain to kick in!


    I’m so jealous of you 2 being pain free although obviously I’m happy for you too. I felt like I was going to die on Tuesday when I had the operation, I know the fact that I had a reaction to the anaesthetic and then again to the Oramorph didn’t probably help but I can remember waking up in recovery and the Dr was saying that they couldn’t get my temperature up, my hands and feet were icy cold and they had to put a heating tube in my bed and all I kept saying was that my chest hurt, stuff the fact that my body was going into shock just get this pain gone lol.
    I think I’ve had your share of the pain ladies lol.
    I’m sitting here eating a bag of minstrels so i know I’m feeling a lot better now.xx

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