Normal bra at 4 weeks po..or not?? Started by: Trish

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  • Trish

    Hiya Girls, It’s my wedding anniversary this weekend and my hubs is taking me away. Do you reckon I could get away with one night of not wearing a sports bra and maybe finding a nice non wired normal bra. I’ve got nothing nice to wear that I can hide the sports bra under and tbh they make my newbies look small. Also sports bras are a bit of a passion killer lol. Thanks girlies xxxx


    Yes Hun, I did this at 4 wks PO. Debenhams do a nice one. Pack of 2 £20. Xx


    Ooo thank you Danielle will pop there tomoz. Will be sooo nice to get out of these flippin sports bras 🙂 x

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