FUMING!!! Started by: ❤xpink91x

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    So had my first day back at work yesterday. I had told one guy at work weeks before I had my op what I was having done and he swore he wouldn’t say. Yesterday my boss said to him I looked different and he told him that I’ve had a boob job and now it’s all around the office apparently and I work with all males, apart from about 3 girls. So now everyday knows and I’m absolutely decorated :'( can’t believe somebody would do that. It was so personal too me and now I’m dreading going into work knowing they are all going to be staring plus I have such a male orientated job. So upset 🙁 just needed somewhere to rant this. Don’t expect any replies just needed to express anger somewhere 🙁

    Fino89 1

    Aww babe! Sorry to hear that. Totally disrespectful and he should be ashamed on himself. He shouldnt have done that as it is none of his beez-wax! Hope your feeling ok hun.. I have mine in less than 2 weeks, and people know from work as I didnt want to hide it as i know that they will definitely see the difference (very flat chested) and dont want things to be awkward. *HUGS* xx

    ayshababy 5

    typical man!!! thats not nice of him at all 🙁 dont worry it wont be long before everyone forgets uno what people are like, and im sure its not as much of a big deal to them as it is to you just think of it that way! its only a boob job more people have had them than you think, just yesterday i was in the salon n 4 out of 6 of the girls in there had had them done!! x


    Hi Hannah , don’t blame you at all .i haven’t told anyone only family but no one I work with even my close work friends .
    I would die if embarrassment if any of them knew or found out as I’m a very private person and really lack conference .
    It’s awful to think that you think you trusted him enough to share it with him and he lets you down like that .
    I hope work goes ok for you over next few days and that they respect your feelings and do not mention it or embarrass you in anyway
    Ruth xx


    What an absolute C word that guy is! I would be fuming too! I don’t think guys understand what a personal thing it is – to them, it’s just boobs. Men will always want to talk about them and it might keep them fascinated for a day or so but then they’ll move on to the next thing to talk about. It’s not like you’re suddenly going to be going into work with low cut revealing tops like Courtney Stodden (much to their disappointment, I’m sure!). Just keep your head held high as it’s nothing for any of us to feel ashamed about, and don’t feel pressured to talk about it if you don’t want to. I think a ‘yes, i’ve had a boob job, what of it?’ attitude is the one I’m going to be taking on afterwards. My mum, husband and three friends know but I’ve not told anyone else. If they notice a few weeks down the line then I won’t lie but I’m not going to make a big deal of it (even though it is a massive deal to me really!).


    sorry to hear this Hannah !! Do not worry at all… you are the one who is looking amazing and beautiful and they can all take a hike… If you will worry they will embarrass you more… just enjoy it and let it not bother you at all….

    Enjoy yourself and have fun and now atleast you know who you can trust in the future !


    S xx


    Thank you girls, it’s not that I’m embarassed about them cause I’m not, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done and I love them and I feel so much more confident in myself but it was still very personal and didnt want it spreading round the office. I start work shortly so hopefully everything will be okay. Haters gonna hate hahaha! Thanks for all ur support girls I really appreciate it xxxx


    I’d be fuming too, I work in a male orientated workplace too and after loads of thinking decided to keep it private, if anyone says I’m gona deny it and say I’m wearing a padded push up bra, well over winter gona wear baggy clothing! Thing is you don’t want people especially men discussing your boobs in the workplace… If it were me I’d have a word with him tell him, you only told him because you trusted him and didnt expect to tell everyone! Either way hold your head high youve got nothing to be embarrassed about , it’s just a shame something you decided was a personal choice had to be made public x


    That is such a typical bloke thing to do! Don’t let it bother you, guys aren’t as fussed about that stuff as girls are. My husband is working overtime to help me save harder for my BA and one of his co-workers asked what he was using all his overtime money for. My husband couldn’t help it, he said “I can’t really say, that’s Debz’ business.” And the guy guessed. Not really the same, but, it’s easy for me to talk about with certain people. I haven’t told any of the mum’s at my son’s school, mainly because I’m not friends with them, but also because people gossip a lot around where I live. I don’t want everyone knowing my business. If anyone asked I’d tell them, but it’s not something they’re getting informed about prior to it happening. People already think I’m fake because I wear make up and like to dress well… No need to encourage it!


    Awwww don’t worry about it huni like ayesha says more n more ppl are getting them done it’s only a pair of Dolly’s that every lady has it’s not like they can see them n flesh my work pals talk about mine the girls n lads but it will blow over when I got bk to work in the bar my manger had told all the customers and my work pals i just took on the chin n brushed it off I’m there to work not to get my Dolly’s out he he x

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