Waiting for 6 hours… Started by: becky

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  • becky

    I’m in the highgate hospital and have been waiting on my own for 6 hours now. I haven’t had anything to eat or even a sip of water all day! I’m so upset I was told to come in at 12 and its now 6pm and noone can tell me when I’m going in! It’s too late for my boyfriend to visit after my op now and I’m an overnight case

    Anyone had a similar experience? So frustrated!


    Awwww you ok huni ? It will be worth the wait xx


    Ok that is NOT acceptable babe. 1-3 hours of admission time you have to go down. Not six hours!!! That’s awful!! And you can’t eat and you’re boyfriend can’t visit you after as opening hours close. Unacceptable! I hope you go down soon!! Big hugs!!


    IDE complain to them good luck huni xx

    Sof 1

    Sending big hugs to you! The only problem I had was that I was told my admission was 9.30am by May and then when I got to hospital they had my admission as 12.00 so I was starving and couldn’t drink anything till 3.30 that afternoon after my op. I didn’t go down for my op till 1pm x hope it all goes ok xx

    mumler 1

    Hope your ok Becky you ahve maybe already gone to theatre now, ;let us know how you get on and good luck x


    Good luck Becky. I was there today but I was in at 730. So sorry you had to wait so long 🙁 It will all be worth it!!


    Ahhh thanks girls, yes I’m out now and my mr is with me 🙂
    Will let you know how I get on over the week! Xxx

    mumler 1

    How you feeling today Becky?


    Home now and I feel fine! have had no pain killers and I’m not in pain at all. However I’m now worrying i’m doing too much as I’m making tea/ lunch etc! What did you feel like after girls? Can you rip stitches if you move around too much? Xx

    Sof 1

    Becky I was exactly the same first day but now I feel bleugh 🙁 I was alright for 1 day and the n day 2 I started hurting. I think it would be almost Impossible for you to damage your stitches but Just be careful you don’t end up hurting yourself xx


    Becky, I feel the same! Of course I ache a bit but otherwise feel fine! I’ve been taking my painkillers but I’ve not felt like I really need them. I think we should still take it easy. I’ve spent most of the day on the couch and decided not to take the dog for a walk even though I felt I could. I did however, make myself breakfast, tea and coffee etc. As long as you’re very careful then that’s ok but I think we should use this first week to just do as little as possible. Better to be safe than sorry.

    mumler 1

    @Becky really pleased you home and feeling good but do rest as like Sophie says the next day can be a bit of a killer as the GA is starting to coming out of your sytem. get your feet up!
    kris x


    Ha yes definitely starting to ache a bit more now! I didn’t sleep at all last night so I’m hoping ill sleep tonight, probably going to take te painkillers late to knock myself out! And yes you’re right, best take it easy as don’t want to risk anything at this stage..eek! X


    Hiya, I was at highgate on the 27th as well. My admission time was 10:30 and I didn’t get called down until 5:45. over 7 HOURS wait!! My surgeon really apologised for the wait, apparently they was running a little late anyway and then there was an emergency, a porter slipped and broke both of his hips so that cause delays :/

    Did anyone else find the second day post op worse than the first? Feel so tight at the moment and have a heavy crushing kind of pain :/ Only thing helping to ease it is ice packs at the moment. xx

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