New pic .. 1 week post op Started by: Sof

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  • Sof 1

    New pic 1 week post op. Get my plasters off Saturday!

    Fino89 1

    Looking fab Sophie!! Im very chuffed for you 😀

    Sof 1

    Eeek thanks hun! I love them!! Such a difference from this time last week!! How long till yours? xxx

    Fino89 1

    Bet the weeks gone fast? I hope mine does as dont really fancy sitting around watching TV all day for a whole week haha!! Aww, theres nothing better than a success story – Lacy bra here we come!! 😀 Mine is a week today Eeekk!! So so excited, not even slightly nervous, just want to get it over and done with. How have you found your first week hun?xx

    Sof 1

    Yeah really quick! I’ve loved it! Felt fine the day of the op and no pain the day after.. Day 3 was my worst where I was in lots of discomfort but I have to stress its discomfort rather than pain and the antibiotics were bloating me! I went back to work Monday so on my 6th day and I feel good 🙂 only thing bothering me Is I’m struggling to sleep!!

    So happy I did it! Can’t wait to have my dressings off sat!!

    Eeek I’m excited for you!! xx

    Fino89 1

    Aww good! I know some of the girls have been having a hard time with their first week, but its nice to actually hear someone having a good week haha!! Its very reassuring. I have only booked a week off so hopefully I should be ok 🙂 Only a desk job too. See, I love my sleep too much and I think the sleeping pattern will stress me out. Bought my V pillow today though, so that should make things a lot easier 🙂 Aww thanks love, finally counting down the days til my booby journey 😀 xx

    Sof 1

    Yay I’m counting down for you too! I can honestly say I only had one bad day. I would advise you take your cocodamols when you need them!! I haven’t had any pain relief since day 3 but I have taken all my antibiotics and finished them today… They will most likely really bloat you Hun!!

    Everyone is different but I’m glad I’ve got back into a bit of normality!! Just don’t try n do too much in your first week just because you might feel ok.. Rest is very important!!

    Also I LOVE my sleep! Sleeping on my front with my arm under the pillow is my favourite!! Now I wake up with either achy boobs or back lol! But again it’s defs worth it!!! I feel a million miles from what I did this time a week ago!! xx


    they look fab sof x x

    Sof 1

    Thanks Hun!! Just to clarify.. Are they likely to get smaller or bigger once they’ve dropped and fluffed? xxx


    they go bigger apparently x

    Sof 1

    Ooo ok 🙂 can’t wait to get my dressings off sat!!hope you’re all good lovely x


    Hi sof, What size did you have? I’ve heard they get bigger once dropped and fluffed some people i know have gone up a couple of cup sizes after its happened! xx

    Sof 1

    Hi Nik 🙂

    I had 345 full profile overs from a 32b, I put a pic up from today which is a week post op! Think I measured a 32dd end of last week!! xx


    Just had a look through your pictures they look fab! Good to hear your healing has been pain free 🙂 I agree with you 100% the antibiotics bloated me felt uncomfortable once i stopped taking them i noticed at night my stomach was shrinking and next day was much better again xxx

    Sof 1

    Aw that’s good to hear Hun! And thank you 🙂 I’m very happy with results so far!! 🙂

    Yay no more antibiotics for me! My next milestone … Getting my dressings off Saturday! x


    Do those antibiotics definitely bloat you? I’ve been wondering my I’m so bloated and keep having some stomach cramps? Really disheartening. I hope it is just the meds!


    Basically what bloats you isn’t so much the antibiotics (asked the nurse!) it’s the General Anaesthetic as when you go under they literally put pounds of fluid into you through the IV drip including meds. Like when I got up for the first time in the hospital I caught sight of my belly from the side view and I literally was like WTF! What was a very flat belly that morning before the op now looked like I was actually pregnant. And this was before al the tablets we started taking! I asked the nurse at the hosp and she said it will come out gradually when you pass urine. By day 5 my belly had gone down and by 7 it looked relatively back to normal thank god!

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