Blood Results 'Out of Range'…..Help Started by: Stephanie

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    Hey girls,

    I went for my pre op last Thursday to have my blood test and swabs etc but I got a call today to say that I bedew to go back for another blood test because my results were out if range.
    I’m a little worried and was wondering if anyone else had experienced this? Really don’t want my op to be delayed xx

    smoggs 3

    hi stephanie this happened twice to me, in the end i had them done with my gp to save making the 100 mile round trip for the 3rd lot, i was so annoyed. they said it was because the bloods were left too long b4 being processed and then the second time i came back low iron. i went to my GP, told her the sitaution, she put me on iron tablets and redid my bloods which was super efficient! yey to the NHS!! my surgeon didnt think my GP would do it but i was honest and said i had booked time off work, booked hotel and travel etc and i couldnt bear the thought of it being cancelled, she was fab x hope you get it sorted x

    myamoderator 138

    MYA apologises that your bloods are out of range and that this has been an inconvenience for you. Pre-operative testing is based on individual patients and their corresponding operations along with their current health status. Re-testing usually occurs because patients are unwell or require treatment, while most of the time this does not prevent an operation from taking place, it is extremely important we re-test blood samples to ensure if treatment is required that it can be given. Patient safety is our top priority and we apologise for the inconvenience.

    MYA Moderator


    Thank you for you’re reply babe. I went back today and have my fingers rightly crossed that everything comes back ok. Just want my new boobies now and couldn’t bare to be cancelled.
    Have you had your op now? Xx


    Thank you MYA mod, I know it’s not your fault but it’s just horrible to get a set back when you’re so excited.
    Hopefully it’ll all be ok though x

    smoggs 3

    Yes I had mine done the beginning of April with Marion grob I’m over the moon with them u won’t regret your decision. It’s just so stressful the run up to it. Looking back I wish I had enjoyed the experience a bit more lol! I’m
    Sure you will b fine. Let me kno how it goes x

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