Recovery time Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls. Just wondering what peoples recovery time has been from breast surgery? And how much you were able to do how soon after etc
    I haven’t had a consultation yet but going to book one soon so I guess this will be covered then but hoping to get so,e 1st hand experience stories.
    I have an office job so not very active. However I do work out daily so I understand I wouldn’t be able to afterwards for a while

    Any advice appreciated. Thanks xxx


    Everyone is different bbe but its not as bad as u think . Ive had mine for just over a week I have a 3 month old baby which I managed on day 2 without the lifting but by day 5 I was picking him up walking around with him on day 2 I managed to wash my hair and been sleeping with my arms above my head ur body will tell u if your pushing yourself too much but everyone is different xx


    Thanks @lydiascarlett that is good to know. I’ve read about 6 weeks off of work etc but all I do is type and answer the phone!! so that seems a lot as I’d have to take it unpaid.
    Hope yours are how you hoped 🙂 xx


    Eljaydee who told you 6 weeks off work? Its usually 1-2 weeks recommended and 6 weeks no exercise x


    I thought I had read it on website. Maybe I got the timing confused with time off work and time with no exercise-Doh!! What you have said makes way more sense
    Thanks Lorna 🙂 xx

    kathryn 1

    it depends on your job, you can’t lift or stretch for 4 to 6 weeks so with an active job you probrably would need 4 – 6 weeks off, unless you can do light duties for a while, and remember the more you stretch and lift in that time, the more likely your scars will end up wider, I was told not to lift a kettle for about 3 weeks, think in relation to that x


    Thank you Kathryn that’s really useful. Also an excuse not to make a tea round in work afterwards 😉 he he xx


    Were u told not to lift a kettle?? God that sounds extreme! Im worrying about recovery as have s busy life children included and i didnt even think ov the simple things like the kettle! X

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