Recovery after uplift Started by: Debbie Lou

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    Anyone who has had an uplift what’s the recovery time? Eg. Back to work and driving please x


    I went bk to work after 2 wks. But only work part time n found it hard. I can drive put i have to b careful as hurts if cross arms over steering wheel etc. When is ur op? X


    On Saturday 5 days I have 1 week off work really hoping I will be ok after a week. Did you have overs or unders? I’m having overs x

    mumler 1

    I didnt feel able to drive comfortably mainly with changing into fifth gear and reserve until 4 weeks. I definetly wasnt ready to go to work after 2 weeks relasitically I think end of week 3 beginning of week 4 would have been the earliest I would have been able to manage. Luckily I have only gone back to work tody at nearly 6 weeks post op.
    Kris x

    kathryn 1

    to be honest I think you need a good 6 weeks off to take it easier before starting work agen, you can’t lift for 4 weeks, even the kettle or hoover x


    I would def say 4-6 weeks I was still in quite a bit pain till week 3 :-/


    Thankyou think I might have to re think this with work x x


    I am on wk 3 now n didn’t make work on mon as was too un comfy n my job needs me stretching a lot. U def need a few wks off work. I still can’t lift my kids n my hubby goes away workin tomoz for 3 wks. So worried about how I will cope x


    How old are your kids? Is there anyone else who can give you a hand? I’m quite worried now took a week holiday from work they are expecting me straight back. I have 2 children too, age 6 and 4 x


    My children are 4 n 2 and a half Hun. Yeah my mum close by so she goin to help me as much as poss. I worry about bath time etc. I also can’t lift washin basket etc so gonna have to was little n often while he away. He has hired me a cleaner too as I not allowed to Hoover yet. Do u work full time? I am a dental nurse so quite hands on job x


    No I don’t work full time only 2 full days a week in an office so not heavy work I’m hoping I will be ok. Won’t be long now and I’m sure you will feel back to normal x


    I’m 1 week post op just been for my check up with nurse had my dressings changed and am healing well. I had BA an uplift last Tuesday onight case. Feel fab finished anti biotics and no pain relief for 2 days.
    I’m managing most things just can’t reach up to cupboards and kettle lid won’t come off!!! It gets easier each day. I had full rest for 4 days but not in bed. Got up had shallow bath and got dressed (front fastening tops!!!)

    I work f/time in office and going back on Monday. My hubby also away through the week but I’ve got a very willing 12 yr old son.

    Don’t worry it’s no where near as bad as u think xxx


    Thanks Sarah Davidson can I add you please? X

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