Nasty bruising Started by: Laura

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  • Laura

    Hi girls, I’ve put some pics up of my scars as I had my dressings removed today at 9 days post op – the scars themselves are healing great, but I have some really bad bruising, almost blood blister kind of marks around them. Has anyone else had this kind if reaction?! I don’t know if my skin has reacted badly to the strips that were covering the stitches or if it’s just bruising?! It looks horrible 🙁 x

    mumler 1

    Hi Laura
    Try not to worry its not uncommon and it will go away.
    Kris x


    Hi Laura
    I was @ Preston same day as u 🙂 I was o/night case in rm 1. I’ve got bruising on my left side and spoke to nurse on Tuesday when I had my dressings changed. She said nothing 2 worry about. I’m taking Arnica tablets for bruising and Agnes cactus for breast tenderness and bloating xxx can I add u x I’m putting pics up @ wknd x


    Not a problem Sarah! Do the arnica tablets help the bruising go away?! I’ve heard about them but never really looked into them! How are you getting on with your recovery? xx


    This happened to me I had mine done 2 weeks ago if u look at my pic one was quite bad but it’s gone down now I’ll add a new pic now xx


    Just added you so I can have a look, have a peek at mine too and see what you think! xx


    Hi Laura

    I started taking them on Tuesday, forgot to buy them before op!!! Brusing is worse on my left side but it has really improved since Tuesday. Nurse said they work better if you start taking them 7 days before op, which I’d mentioned it at my pre op 🙁

    Don’t think brusing would have reduced as much without them tbh, it’s visibly shrunk and hasn’t gone those awful colours.

    Recovery wise fab. First week was a bit crappy but that was more the GA gettingout of system. The bloating is weird tho’ thought it would have gone by now. Each day they feel more and more comfortable.
    Back and bum sore but nurse said it’s ok to sleep on side from day 10 if feeling comfortable.

    I’ll have a peek at your pics xxx


    Just added if that’s ok x


    Accepted you Katy 🙂
    Sarah do you think it would be worth me starting the arnica now?! I’m just worried that this bruising is going to take weeks to go, it’s almost purple so it’s going to have to go through all the horrible colours til it fades 🙁 x


    I would, mine has definitely shrunk (the bruising not the boob) am I OK to add u xxx


    Thanks I’ll try and get hold of some at the weekend then see if that helps 🙂 not a problem, add away! x

    Becky 1

    hope u dont mind the add laura im still pre op so its interesting to see the scars!! x


    Hi Laura

    They look fab for 10 days old and bruising not bad 🙂 Lol about size difference, after my bath this morning I decided one was much bigger than the other and I had rippling!!!!!!! I’ve still got dressings on because of uplift bit and they are transparent and I think they are puckering skin.

    Think we just need to be paitent. I think I was expecting to be out in slinky tops by now with them perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t think I really listened to the post op bit 🙂

    I really need to get my laptop back as all my photos are on my phone at mo and if I lost that who knows what people would think as I’ve been taking so many so I can look at them!!!
    Get my laptop back at weekend. Didn’t want to risk putting them on using son’s in case I didn’t delete them from everywhere!!!!!


    Hi Sarah I only just noticed your post! It’s gonna be a long wait til they’re all settled isn’t it ha! Hopefully by Christmas we’ll be able to wear nice slinky tops and show them off! How long do you have to wait til you get all of your dressings off??
    I’ve just put another pic up of the strange red bruising, it’s going down loads, I think I must have had a reaction to the strips they put over the stitches. I have fairly sensitive skin, and was coming out in red blotches where they’d put the sticky tape and the circle sticky monitor patches on the day too … So it might just be that! x

    Nancy 1

    Hope you don’t mind the add laura X


    Accepted you Nancy!


    Hi Laura

    Lets hope it is, pleased it’s improving xxx Looking forward to clothes shopping for Christmas lovely underwear xxx Back 2 work on Monday for me xxx


    I’m back tomorrow 🙁 ugh! Don’t think I’ll be able to get up! I can’t believe how quickly it’s gone! Time has literally flown! x


    I’m back in Monday, dreading it as my backs still so achy 🙁 x

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