My Story. Started by: Kay

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  • Kay

    As soon as I tried on my first ever bra I wanted bigger boobs. Mum said they’ll grow as I get older, so I wished I was older. I rolled up tights and wore them in my bra to make them look bigger. Then mum found out and bought me some chicken fillets. I still wasn’t happy, especially when I was old enough to get intimate and id have to run to the bathroom to remove them before they fell out on the floor and embarrassed me. When I started buying bra’s for myself I got the one’s with the airbags, the ones mum would never buy “because I didn’t need them!” but they deflate after a while, so sometimes id wear a bra under a bra (don’t laugh). Finally Primark introduced XXXL enhance your assets, so I got one in every colour/pattern with the matching underwear. Amazing because they have inches of padding and make you look so much bigger! Now I’m 22 and fed up with my packet of crisp’s. Open the packet and there only half a bag. I’ve done a lot of research into enlargement. The procedure, types of implant, prices, horror stories, companies. I’d never taken my research further though. Id mentioned it to a few people close to me and a couple of times got the response “how about taking the fat from my boobs and putting them in yours?”
    I went on holiday with my boyfriend in August and we were booby watching on the beach, and laughing at the fake ones that just, well, don’t move! That’s when I first told him I want mine done, but they wont look like those. He just said ok whatever and changed the subject.

    Beginning of Oct I called MYA just to enquire. The lady on the phone asked if I could get to the clinic that afternoon. I was there an hour later! I met my consultant and told her all the above and explained why I’ve never liked them and told her what I want to achieve. She understood and agreed, then recommended a size and two surgeon’s. She sent me away feeling happy with the profiles of each surgeon and more info about MYA, said she would call me in a couple of days to sort out finances, which she did. She then rang me to offer some dates to meet each surgeon and a pre-op with the nurse. I was getting excited, but hadn’t mentioned anything to my boyfriend yet, probably a good idea to sit him down. He didn’t take me seriously to start with and said why the hell do I want them done, told me there’s nothing wrong with them, they’re big enough. Basically not impressed or interested. I was going for it no matter what he thought, I told him. I’m doing it for me, not anyone else. I didn’t bother talking to him about it anymore as he clearly wasn’t interested. That bothered me, a lot! Plus I’m relying on him to look after me afterwards, he isn’t going to do that if he doesn’t support what I’m doing is he? If it was a life threatening op then he’d bend over backwards for me and be supportive. Not self inflicted surgery to boost my confidence and change something he doesn’t want changed. My family were being supportive though and so was my boss who I talk to most things about.

    The day before the op, I started getting jitters. I’d only made an enquiry three weeks ago and now I’m getting ready to actually have it done. It hadn’t really sunk in to be honest. I was excited of course but I think people id told were more excited. My hair extensions are out because I wont be able to get them tightened during healing time. My gel overs are off my nails, feeling naked enough but still got to take my piercings out and then I cant wear make-up or nail varnish! Stocked up on baby wipes, dry shampoo, and a V-pillow because I’d read on here that I’d need it (and YES you definitely do) I also read quite a few different stories on here from post-op girls experiences and pre-op girls worries, that’s what was giving me the jitters. I rang my consultant and she said don’t worry, its normal to worry, but don’t, you’ll be fine. Then the nurse rang me to give me the routine day before surgery check list. I said bye to everyone at work and went home to get all the washing done and everything tidied up because I wont be able to do it and my boyfriend wont do it. At this point I’m not nervous or excited anymore, I’m stressed because the flat is a dump and neither me or my boyfriend are home for long enough to tidy it and I’d have to be dreaming to think he would pick up after himself daily.

    Morning of the op. My dad rings me to tell me he’s outside at 6am. I wake my boyfriend to say bye and ill ring him when I wake up. He grabbed my leg and tried to pull me back into bed. “No, no, no!” he kept saying. He told me to give my dad his number and leave my dads number for him so he can call for an update. He had a little moan too because I was taking the V-pillow with me encase he forgets it when he collects me the next morning and he’s been sneakily sleeping with it for the past week when I’ve left him in bed and gone to work. Cheeky git! The hospital is only an hour drive away. I’ve checked in at 7.30AM. Nurse was in my room doing all the last minute paperwork and prepping me for theatre. Surgeon came in to make sure Im ready and draw on me. I was on my way to theatre at 8.32AM. I woke up crying after my name was called and the nurse calmed me down, she said that was normal. I had a heat pack near my ankles and I was cold and shaking. They asked me if I could sit up and get onto the other trolley, so I tried but couldn’t, my shoulders felt heavy. A man then came and lifted me over. That’s when I felt a slight twitch in my boob.

    I was back in my room before I knew it. first thing I did was ring my boyfriend, then my mum, to tell them I was awake already and its all done. Then my dad came back up the hospital and was with me for most of the day. I kept getting out of bed and doing things, like I got changed into overnight PJ’s and anything I could to not be in bed. I was amazed at how little pain I was in. I’d read I’d be in agony for the first few days! I was far from it, just tired really. I’d not had much sleep the night before and the anaesthetic obviously hadn’t worn off yet. My boyfriend came to see me in the evening and stayed until well past visiting hours but the nurse didn’t mind. The nurse’s were amazing actually. At times when I was alone they came in and stayed chatting to me for ages and kept telling me to stay in bed and act like a princess. I was capable of pouring my own water but I got told off for doing that too.

    Next morning, I was getting ready to be discharged, still in no pain. Boyfriend was on his way. My whole stay in the hospital I kept looking at my new boobs and touching them. they were huge, swollen and numb. Felt tight. The drive home weren’t too bad. Im 3 days post op now and the only problem with pain ive had was when I tried to sit up at home after laying down in bed. Im still in disbelief that ive gone through all this. Its all happened so quick that it hasn’t sunk in. Cant wait to get the strapping off and see them properly! Boyfriend has been supportive as well. He’s still not sure why ive done it, im sure he’ll change his mind when they’ve healed enough for a motor boat 😉


    @Kay Wow hun, I actually read your entire story.. Aw that is so sweet, Im happy for you hun, and we’re all here for each other too. I agree, the most uncomfortable part is getting up once we’re layed down. Happy healing to me and you chicca 😉 xx


    Thanks for sharing kay, it’s nice to read others stories ESP when your pre op like me. Happy healing, I hope your still coping well. Xx


    Ahhh thats a nice story to read…long lol but nice 🙂 nice of u to share ur experience..iv added u I hope this is ok xxx

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