Waking up during op Started by: Chanel

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  • Chanel

    Ok so ive got this fear of waking up during the op does anybody no if they do that thing where if this happens you can blink or move a finger or..something!! lol its only a week away and im getting para! xx

    Francesca -1

    It is ridiculously rare and if you do wake up you won’t remember it zx


    The anthesia guy stays with you the entire op measuring everything like heart rate etc so if you did he’d just pump in a bit more anthesia, but they weigh you and take your height before hand so they know exactly how much you need! , like Francesca said its so rare! Xxx

    kathryn 1

    I was terrified of the exact same thing, even though i’m a nurse and I know the chances of that happening are practically 0. you fall asleep so quickly though that you won’t have time to think about it and be scared, next thing you know you’ll wake up in recovery. the anaesthetist will stay with you so the whole time so in the very very rare case you move a finger, they would give you more sedation straight away. remember this is private care so you get the best of eveything, they don’t take any chances. you honestly have nothing to worry about x


    I was so panicked waiting in the room before going into the theatre I was petrified. However I was asleep and awake before I new it, i got told not to fight the anaesthetic and just let my body go with it. I loom back now and I think why was I so worried honestly it will be fine xx


    I’ve had this thoughts so your not alone. It’s good to hear the reassurance of others.

    How did people feel when coming round? I’ve never had a GA before so a little worried about hiw ‘out of it’ I may be.


    Hey, my other half is an anaesthetist and so I have questioned him a lot on this! My biggest fear is the GA! Anyway when you are under GA there are loads of warning signs if you start to come around before you actually do such as your heart rate changing etc. so they will see the signs and give you more GA before you begin to wake up. Try not to worry about it xx

    candybabey 3

    Lol.. I said this on here before and going say again I had dreaMs I woke up on the operating table and could feel them cutting and all sorts :-S I don’t think about it anymore well try not to! Just goes to show nerves play mind tricks ha! Dw darl you’ll be ok sleeping till your all done 🙂 I’d advice anyone who smokes to stop or try cut down before Surgery because it thins the blood out and less oxygen and healing process is delayed xx


    Yeah I’m 3 days post op and smoke I can’t quit and iv tried my hardest x


    Ive had to av a fag today finding the flippin clinic in brum for pre op only an hr n half late wanted someone to shoot me in the end!! Lol

    candybabey 3

    I bought one those e shisha pens I don’t smoke heavy but with my besties we love to have a sneeki one when we goes out 😛 it does work mind maybe try those? My Dad smoked 40 odd fags a day bought him one as a gift and he stopped within two days 🙂


    My partner just started on them n he was quite a heavy smoker n he hasnt smoked since startin it too but its onky bin few days so theres tym yet lol im not a heavy smoker but ive only a wk till op so no more for me im gona try my best lol x

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